Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Christmas Around the World

If there is one time of year I absolutely love being at home in the UK, it's Christmas. I adore the festive feeling that comes along with the chill in the air and Jack Frost coating everything in that glittery sparkle. Being tucked away at home with the Christmas tree twinkling in a dark room with a Christmas movie on the television, makes everything feel so magical, and that is exactly why I couldn't imagine being anywhere else at this time of year (Although my recent visit to New York did make me second guess this!).

Of course Christmas does take place around the entire world and not everybody's traditions reflect our own (That's what makes it fun right?), as long as I have my nearest and dearest around me come Christmas Day and I know that I have a Turkey dinner coming my way, I am always a very happy lady. 

It did get me thinking about how different Christmas can be in different countries, what food do they eat? What are there Christmas Traditions? Do they vary much from our own? Bright Horizons Nursery in Manchester have put together the below infographic that might just enlighten you the way it did me...

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