Thursday 27 June 2019

Leo Turns EIGHT!

Leo turns Eight - Birthday times

Another year has gone by. Another 12 months of growth and learning for that little man of mine.

Only Leo is not so little anymore, he is now 8 years old. It has been 8 years since we embraced his appearance in the world, and not a day has gone by where he hasn’t made us laugh or smile.

It’s been a busy year so far, we have been enjoying lots of time together as a family and Leo’s big day itself was no different.

Leo was so excited for his 8th birthday, he loves nothing more than adding another year to his age digit, but with each year that goes by, the harder I find it to accept. He’s not a little boy anymore, he’s a young child with his own hopes and dreams for the future, he knows what he wants, and it’s our job to help him carve a path to the end goal.

Leo turns Eight - Birthday times

This year Leo hadn’t asked for much at all for his birthday, so we had to get creative. We found a rather lovely electric scooter that we knew would really put a smile on Leo’s face, so we made sure we snapped it right up. We got it all built and in charge so that when he found it the following morning, it was ready to rock and roll.

We actually celebrated Leo’s birthday the evening before this year as Luke had to go away (I expect we will be sharing the details of this in another post very soon!).

Leo turns Eight - Birthday times

We went over to Mr Mulligans Crazy Golf in Cheltenham and had a good giggle (Leo won!). We did break tradition this year, we normally always go to Frankie and Benny’s, but this year Leo wanted a cheeky Nando’s as an alternative. 

I made sure he had his desired chocolate cake (chocolate cake is life for this 8 year old!) and I sneakily added relighting candles... this didn’t go down very well.

Leo turns Eight - Birthday times

Leo spent ages trying to blow his 8 candles out, but then they would simply delight again. I genuinely thought that he would find it incredibly funny and love blowing them all out over and over again.... but unfortunately he was getting irate and this only intensified when I told him that I was responsible for the candle charade...

Naughty Mummy!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

I got Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

I have wondered whether or not I would ever sit down and write this post, but I have had quite a few private messages asking me whether or not I have had a little bit of surgery.... I've always been very honest about the workouts I do and the food I eat, so as with everything else I will always be upfront, because not everything can be obtained through simply living a healthy lifestyle.

That is why after many years of contemplating the idea, I finally decided to go under the knife.

It's something that I have given a lot of thought to ever since I was a young teenager. While every girl I knew blossomed and became a woman, my chest stayed small and flat. As a teenager I can remember feeling very dis-heartened by my lack of breasts, some people even made cruel jokes. 

As I got older though I realised I didn't care anymore. 

I was who I was, there was nothing I or anyone else could do about it.

I met Luke, we fell in love, and he never minded my less than generous chest. A year later we had our baby boy, and aside from wondering if my smaller chest would impact my ability to breastfeed, I didn't really dwell upon the thoughts.

When my desire to have surgery came back to the surface, it was actually following my health and fitness mission. Weight loss had made my already small chest diminish further, I now barely filled an A cup bra, and as happy and as comfortable as I was with my body, I knew that I could be happier by just enhancing my breasts by a few cup sizes. 

What actually cemented my decision to seek out breast augmentation was when Luke asked me to be his wife. It was almost like it was a chain reaction. The thought of trying on wedding dresses both excited me and scared me, I knew now was the time to look into breast augmentation.

I said 'Yes' to the man of my dreams in the December and by January, I was sat in the MYA Consultation office in Birmingham.

MYA had come recommended to me by my friend, and if my results were going to come out anything like her's I would be been over the moon. I booked a consultation online, they ask if you can secure the appointment with card details, as the appointments are only free if you show up, not if you don't.

Luke came along with me to the consultation, I was talked through the procedure and shown a number of different breast implants, heck I even gave them a squeeze. What I found was you can go as quickly or as slowly as you like, as I do with most things in life, I threw myself at it all guns blazing.

I had a look at the different surgeons that were available and was provided with additional information in order to narrow the choice down to one. I decided to go with Dr Tsekouras, he came highly recommended by my coordinator (and when I met him I was so pleased with my choice!).

To secure a surgical date with MYA, we needed to put a substantial deposit down. I believe at this point Luke put £1,000 down to help me make this happen.

With the date booked for 9th February 2019, it was time to start getting everything ready. I was provided with a list of things that I would need in readiness for the surgery and post op. I started buying everything up and getting it all packed into a suitcase ready for the big day.

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

What to Pack:

- Post Surgical Bras x 2 (I had Macom Signiture and Asda)

- Disposable Ice Packs (& Ice Packs for when you get home)

- V Pillow (You can't sleep sitting up for at least a month after surgery)

- Dry Shampoo

- Sweets

- Lots of snacks

- PJ's and Slippers

- Zip up top/ Onesie for post surgery

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

I met with Dr Tsekouras to discuss what size implants and how they would be placed on me. Standing there baring my small boobs for a man I had just met and a lady that worked along side him was one of the most embarrassing moments ever. I must have gone bright red, but I told myself that it was all for a good cause.

Implant sizes are measured in CC. and I had set my heart on 350CC implants. It wasn't long before my expectation and my reality took two different paths. Due to my small frame and lack of breast tissue (Ironic? I think so!), I would only be able to have 300CC implants that would be placed partially under the muscle at the top (To reduce the chance of rippling), and over the muscle at the bottom to give it that nice full look. 

Once my surgeon explained his reasoning for the smaller implants and how they were the best sizing for me, I trusted him and went with his recommendations. 

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

The surgery was to be carried out at the Fitzroy in London, this meant a nice early start for Luke and myself. My admission time was 7:30am, this meant that we had to get from the West Midlands to the centre of London.

We made it armed with all of the weird and wonderful things I was going to need for my adventure into the unknown. I checked into the London Fitzroy and was shown up to a room, I was set to be second surgery of the day.

The morning went by very quickly, and weirdly I did not even feel remotely nervous or scared. The only thing I did feel were those very real hunger pangs that jolted through my stomach as a constant reminder that I couldn't eat. 

Dr Tsekouras came by shortly before I went into surgery and drew some lines on my chest (Something to help him with the incision of the implants), and once that was done, I was shown to a lift and together we walked up to the surgical theatre.

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

I walked into the operating room and the anaesthetist who had introduced himself upon my arrival waved me in. Before I knew it I was lay on the bed, I had a mask over my face and a IV in my hand. I remember the anaesthetist telling me what he was doing, and the next thing I know is I am waking up in recovery.   

I do re-call being a little confused, I was mainly still hungry though, and that was the first thing I asked 'Can I eat now?'.

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

The nurses told me that I had been shivering because of the general anaesthetic, that everything had gone really well and that I could now have some food. They had very kindly wrapped me up in a heated blanket so that I could keep warm as my body got over the shock of the anaesthetic. 

I had gone for the surgery around 10:30ish that morning, and it was now coming up to 13:00. It is incredible how quickly the surgery can take place and you be waking up on the other side of it all. 

My stay at the London Fitzroy was amazing, it was an incredible experience and I am so glad that I went for it. I was discharged that very same day and we drove the 2 hour drive back home. They do advise that you stay local to the hospital just in case you need to go back for any reason, for me though I just wanted to get home.

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

I am now 4 months post op, everything has healed beautifully. My scars are looking amazing, and they are going to continue to get lighter. It is insane how much your breasts change over those first few months following surgery. 

When they were first done, they were swollen and hard like rocks, I remember thinking how un-natural they felt, but now they feel like normal boobs. They have softened and are just so much more natural looking. 

Getting breast augmentation is by far the most selfish thing I have ever done for myself, and it's going to take me a while to pay Luke and my Father back, but equally it's something I wish I had done years ago. 

The healing process went really well. I wouldn't say it was painful (Other people have told me that going under the muscle was awful for them), and I was back on my feet right away. I found that when I was active I felt good, but if I lay down and felt sorry for myself, I would stiffen up and not have a very good time of it.

Breast Augmentation with MYA (Make Yourself Amazing)

I may have even done a slow and steady leg session a few days post op... and then I was back on my bike a few days later.

The hardest part for me was not being able to lift my arms or really use them, due to the fact that I had my implants put partially under the muscle, it meant that I had to allow those muscles to recover, and in a sense re-build. I Spent a lot of time getting stuck in tops, poor old Leo had to come to my rescue on more than one occasion.

He literally pulled me out of a dress on one of the days (I was stuck) and instead of pulling it up, he pulled it backwards! We were both a crumpled laughing mess on the floor.

I have gone from barely filling an A cup bra to a 28F (or a 32D if they don't have my back size). So it is probably a good thing that I didn't get the 350CC implants!

No amount of exercise or working out would give me the size I longed for on my chest, there were always going to be clothes I couldn't pull off because of my small bosom. I was really lucky that my family supported my decision and helped me go after a dream that I always thought would remain a dream.

Cosmetic surgery isn't for everyone, it's a very personal decision, but for me it was 100% the right choice, and I am so glad I went with MYA.

Disclaimer: This was funded entirely by myself and my family. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.

Monday 24 June 2019

First Trimester - 3 Weeks Pregnancy Update

First Trimester - 3 Weeks Pregnant

At 3 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of a Poppy Seed!

This week marks the day that officially makes my period late. My longest cycle was 57 days, and today is day 58! 

My last period was April 24th, and we are now well into June.

Having cycles with no real pattern is something I can’t get used to, and since finding out that I am pregnant and not being ‘late’, I think this is one of the things I’ve really struggled to get my head around.

Even now at 3 weeks pregnant, ir feels like I’ve known for a lifetime, time is going so slowly right now. I think because my symptoms are so hit and miss, I don’t really feel pregnant.

I’ve told quite a few people about my positive test now, close friends anyway. 

I haven’t told any family members yet because I’m determined to tell them in my own special way!

 I’ve ordered Leo a t-shirt, and it’s Leo and the t-shirt that will make the announcement... it should arrive towards the end of next week. Either on Leo’s birthday or the following day!

How am I feeling?

There have been days this week where my boobs are really sore, and days where they are not so sore. Tiredness comes and goes but only seems to really hit in the late evening, not like with Leo at all. I was so tired with Leo for weeks and weeks, it’s crazy how different this feels already.

I always thought if and when I found out I was pregnant again, I would just know before the test came back positive, but that wasn’t how it happened and although the news has sunk in now (and I’m over the moon) I’m still in disbelief that it has actually really happened.

I’ve been a bit weird with food this week too, I’m hungry but don’t have an appetite for much. I was loving savoury mince and mash last week, but this week the idea isn’t appealing at all. I cooked up a chicken stir fry for everyone on Saturday, but when it came to eat it... all I could do was push it around my plate.

One food I am loving right now, is something I NEVER usually eat. McDonald’s. A sweet and chilli chicken wrap with fries. 

This baby is going to ruin me! 

Would I call it a craving? I’m not sure yet, but it’s certainly one of the only things I really fancy eating right now. I’ve had it for 2 consecutive days now, but this baby best not get used to it, because I’m going to have to refuse to eat it!

First Trimester - 3 Weeks Pregnant

I’ve had a few days where I’ve felt a little nauseous at times, but it’s over as quickly as it comes on. I feel like it’s in my mind. I’ve not been sick and it’s like a passing thing over a few minutes. 

I was driving to the second part of my booking in appointment (it was split up as Luke couldn’t attend the first, so we left the questions for a second appointment) and I felt a little sicky as I was driving over, but within 5 minutes it was over.

Baby Brain Has STRUCK

Granted I hadn’t had breakfast, because well... funny story really... 

I had a complete baby brain of a morning, that essentially started the night before...

I had left my car/house keys at my parents, gone home in Luke’s car and he of course has a house key... So we got in fine and I went straight to bed as I was super sleepy by 10pm.

I was adamant that our midwife appointment was at 10:30am the following day (Saturday), that’s exactly what I had put into the shared calendar on my iPhone. Something made me check the text with the midwife though shortly before 9am...

Turns out that the actual appointment was scheduled for 9:30am!

First Trimester - 3 Weeks Pregnant

I called Luke who had gone to the gym, quickly got ready and the realised that I only had my spare car key... and I had no key to the lock the front door.

It never assumed to me to lock the door from the inside, and go out the back door taking the back door key with me! 

Well until Luke mentioned it!

I had text my midwife in all the panic and as she’s so amazing she told me there was no rush, and we made it to the appointment. If anything I think it helped her realise I was going to be a crazy hormonal pregnant lady for the next 9 months, and it probably helped prepare her!

On Sunday I felt rough on and off all day, I wasn’t hungry and didn’t have any breakfast, instead I opted to get on top of the housework and even mow the lawn. When it came to bleaching the toilets, the smell of the bleach made me heave, and at one point I ran retching to the the loo! 

Thankfully I wasn’t poorly!

Later that day I drove over to my parents, not long as arriving I realised I was coming  down with a migraine, spots appeared in front of my eyes, and then a ache popped into my head. Ironically it was only a few days before that I had been sat in my Midwife appointment telling her how I hadn't had a migraine in years!

I’ve had to pop a few paracetamol, have a bag of strawberry laces and a lie down on the sofa!

What I have realised this week, is I have barely taken any pre-bump photos, and this needs to change! In other news... I finally got a 3+ on a Clear Blue Digital Test!

Positive Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test - 3+ Weeks

Here’s a little over view of 3 weeks pregnant...

Achey boobs, fatigue (gradually coming on STILL), slightly queasy (every now and then) still peeing multiple times, baby brain has arrived! 

No sign just yet, but I can’t wait for it to make an appearance.

I have been a little more slack with exercise this week, I did get a 2.5k walk in but I want to be more consistent long term, I am hoping that as my energy levels pick up more in the next month or so, I will have more energy to put into it. 

Saturday 22 June 2019

First Trimester: The Booking In Appointment

The Booking In Appointment - Pregnancy Notes

I went for my initial booking in appointment on the 12th June, Luke unfortunately had to work so he couldn’t come along with me. 

I had felt nervous all day, I don’t know what for or why, but it was almost an anxiety feeling that took over me. It stayed with me all day, even when I arrived at the doctors surgery and sat waiting for the midwife to call my name.

I went into the appointment and the midwife immediately put me at ease, she was absolutely lovely. I answered all of her questions and explained that I couldn’t be 100% certain on how far along I was due to the unpredictable cycles that my body throws into the works every month or so.

By my last menstrual period, I would in fact be classed as 7 weeks at this point as opposed to the 4/5 weeks I believe I am. (I was adding 2 weeks to the dates I had calculated and this was giving me false weeks/dates).

It’s amazing how much has changed since my last booking in appointment over 8 years ago. They now check the carbon monoxide through a breath test, mine came back as 0, I don’t smoke and no one in our household does, but I believe this would pick up carbon monoxide through passive smoke too. It certainly was a rather nifty bit of kit, I imagine if you do smoke it will be a good deterrent to get you to stop!

I had my weight taken, my height measured and a quick MOT if you like. My stats for this were:

Weight: 8 Stone 5lbs (117lbs)

Height: 5ft 5 (1.65 Metres)

I had 2 lots of blood taken and also provided a urine sample, they were screening for:

- Haemoglobin - This is to see of I am anaemic, which can be caused by too little HB in the blood.

- The urine sample is checking for bladder infections.

- Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia - These are inherited blood disorders which affect HB (Haemoglobin) and can be passed from parent to child.

- Hepatitis B - A virus that infects the liver and can cause immediate or long term illness.

- Syphilis - A sexually transmitted infection.

- HIV - A sexually transmitted infection.

If Luke had been here we would have gone through some in depth family history questions, but we decided to leave it there for the day so that we could book an appointment together in a weeks time to answer everything together.

That appointment was today (22nd June). 

I believe I am currently 6 weeks pregnant (I was actually only around 3 weeks!), but there is no way of knowing for definite until I have my dating scan on the 18th July!

Luke, Leo and I all went along to the appointment this morning. It took about an hour to go through everything, all of the questions about background, family history and so on. 

She had my blood and urine results back from the tests they conducted at the last appointment, and thankfully everything was absolutely fine and as it should be!


This makes me a low risk pregnancy, and hopefully it will all continue that way! I took that opportunity to tell her that I want a water birth, and I’ll be blasting that into my pregnancy notes for the whole of my pregnancy until I Pop!

We talked about my first pregnancy and labour, I told her that I didn’t feel contractions properly and how I rocked up at hospital at 9.5cm dilated! 

Boy I hope that I have the same experience this time around.

I feel really lucky to have such a friendly midwife, she was laughing and joking with us throughout the appointment (mainly about how many tests I have done since finding out!) and she told me that whenever I want to hear the babies heartbeat she will find a way of sneaking us in for a quick appointment (told me not to waste any money on a Doppler). 

I found out that the midwife I had with Leo was most likely going to be doing my scan in a few short weeks time! Hearing her name really was a blast from the past, I wonder if I will recognise her, or she me!

This appointment made everything start to feel more real. The early stages of pregnancy feel like limbo for me. I don’t suffer from morning sickness, I’m not as tired as I was with Leo, my boobs are sore but don’t feel ‘as’ sore as in my first pregnancy. 

It’s almost like I could have dreamed the whole thing up in my head and it’s not really real. 

I won’t see my midwife again now until 16 weeks, in your second pregnancy you don’t see the midwife as much as you do in your first, unless your classes as high risk of course. At the 16 week appointment I will be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time! Although she did let slip today that you can hear it from 10 weeks!

I have got an early scan booked that I opted for privately, this will be on the 5th July! I should be able to get more of an idea on when to expect little Pop to make an arrival! 

Friday 21 June 2019

First Trimester. Reassurance Scan at Peek-a-Baby Birmingham

Reassurance Scan at Peek-a-Baby Birmingham

Friday 21st June 2019

It feels like I’ve been pregnant for ages already, finding out so early is both a blessing and a curse. Having peed on so many sticks, taken out a mortgage on digital tests... and now booking a early scan on June 21st!

I never was a patient person...

Having a little Google I found a place called Peek-A-Baby in Birmingham, they scan you from 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is when you can see the first glimpses of the little person growing inside of you. 

If my dates were correct I would be 6 weeks + 3 days pregnant at this point. (As I have mentioned in my previous posts though, I had added the 2 weeks to my dates which actually made them in-correct).

We arrived at the practice and found that there was a few parking spaces at the front of the building, and more down the side road. 

We parked up and ventured inside, at this stage of pregnancy you need a rather full (and uncomfortable bladder) for them to be able to spot baby on the scan.

I had been drinking water for the hours car journey, so by the time we arrived I had a sufficiently full bladder. 

It’s not a massive practice, reception is to your left as you walk in. There are some chairs dotted around acting as a waiting area, and they have been keeping a tally on the wall of how many boys, and how many girls have been shown on the gender scans, a milestone that is still many weeks ahead for me!

The appointment was at 5pm, and I was called straight in, Luke, Leo and I. We were all really impressed with the set up in the room. There were a number of chairs for the visitors to sit upon, a bed for me to lie on, and a rather large screen on the wall in front of us so that we would all get a brilliant view!

I lay down and they put the scanning gel on my stomach, while I held down the paper tucked into my dress so that it wouldn’t get on it. 

The sonographer placed the scanner on my abdomen, and pushed down firmly. My insides flickered onto the big screen and I didn’t have a clue what I was looking at. 

At this point it would have been very welcome for the sonographer to explain what we were seeing on the screen, but unfortunately this is where I felt slightly disheartened.

She found Pop’s pregnancy sac, she confirmed that Pop was growing exactly where he should be, not in one of my fallopian tubes. She said at this point it was too early to scan, and although we could see the pregnancy sack, we could not see Pop as it was just too early in the pregnancy. 

We were in there less than 5 minutes, I was told they would re-scan me complimentary in 2 weeks time on the 5th July. 

I have to admit that I did feel that there was a real lack of communication, it was fair enough that I was too early to be scanned, but it would have been nice to know what had been observed on the screen. What did the sac measure in at? Was there a yolk? 

I wasn't worried that they couldn’t see Pop at this stage, I knew my dates could be slightly out, I know when I ovulated but I don’t know exactly when I would have conceived, and I think I could be a few days/weeks out. Based on this information I have currently amended my due date from the 10th February to the 14th February! (Turns out I didn't amend it far enough *insert giggle here*). 

I left happy with the knowledge that there is an actual baby growing inside of me, in my uterus and not a tube. 

I left knowing I was really pregnant!

Reassurance Scan at Peek-a-Baby Birmingham

July 5th 2019 - The Re-scan

We went back on July 5th for another 5pm appointment. The lady on reception warmly greeted us again and we took a seat in the waiting area. 

Within a few minutes we were invited into the room where the scan would be performed. It was the same sonographer and assistant form a fortnight ago.

They prepared my tummy for the ultrasound with the same cold gel and pressed down firmly onto my stomach. My tummy flashed up on the screen and she started looking for Pop.

Once again no real communication was given, and I lay there feeling evermore awkward. She found the pregnancy sack, but not once did she offer explanations on what she was seeing. 

She did confirm that there was a sack and that I was pregnant, it turns out she didn't remember us from 2 weeks ago, she didn't know that we were here for a re-scan. Realisation soon hit her that this was a re-scan and attempted to find my last images.

It took a while and she started going off about using the same name on the form... I was unsure what she meant as I had used the same name each time I had booked in, and by this point I was getting annoyed. I was more worried about the outcome of my pregnancy than some name on a form.

She had a look at the previous images and measured the sac again, and advised that it had grown since the last scan, but she should see a baby now...

Of course my heart was already beating so fast, I could feel myself starting to shut down. I didn’t feel like I was being given a great deal of information and I definitely wasn’t feeling Reassured.

This feeling intensified when she said that it could be Early Pregnancy failure.

Not once during that appointment did she say that my dates could be wrong and I may just not be as far along as I first thought. Not once did she say, your pregnancy sac is measuring *insert appropriate measurements here* and this actually means you are *insert number of weeks pregnant*.

They said they would see me again in 2 weeks, but by then I was not talking much and I was doing my best to get out of the building without crying.

I was convinced the worst was happening.

My NHS scan is on the 18th July and they have booked me back into Peek-A-Baby on 1st August.

Luke thinks that my dates are a few weeks out, which would put me between 5-6 weeks pregnant right now.

After spending the weekend feeling very emotional, I’m hoping that when I go to the NHS appointment I will see a little 7 week embryo with a heartbeat, it could be that because I caught the pregnancy super early (thanks random monthly cycles), that I went for the initial scan, and the second scan way to early.

If that is the case it still doesn’t explain the sonographers rushed scanning approach and lack of bedside manner.  

What has really frustrated me on top of everything else, is that I was sent away with out any of the details surrounding my scan. None of the measurements taken were given to me, and I left empty handed. 

Empty handed, scared and so far from re-assured. 

Monday 17 June 2019

First Trimester: 2 Weeks After Conception - Pregnancy Update

Clear Blue Digita Positivel Pregnancy Test 2-3 week Pregnant

At 2 weeks after conception the DNA from both the Mother & Father has formed a new cell called a Zygote. The zygote continues to divide and eventually forms a solid mass of cells that is known as a Morula. The Morula doubles in cells every 12 hours and will soon evolve into a blastocyst. 

It's been about 2 weeks since conception and I have known for just over a week that there is a rather significant change going on in my body. A new life is growing from teeny tiny cells, but at this stage I don't really know a lot. 

I find it all mind boggling. Isn’t pregnancy just amazing and really...really weird!?

How do I feel?

I’m feeling pretty good, well brilliant really. 

As I write this I do have a feeling of restlessness, I don’t know if that’s a thing, but I feel like I need to be busy. I feel like my heart is beating really fast and I guess you could say it’s anxiety?

I have my booking in appointment with the midwife this afternoon, and I don’t know if I’m feeling this way because of that? I guess it’s all just sinking in still, and I just want to fast forward to next Friday when I have my early scan so that I know Pop’s is exactly where he/she is supposed to be.

I keep thinking about the possibility that I could have an ectopic pregnancy, I have no reason to assume this is the case, no pain, no symptoms, but my mind is just constantly pondering the ‘what if’s’. Which is weird for me as I’m normally a very positive person. 

It’s been 8 years since I was pregnant with Leo, and 8 years is a long old time. I feel like I am pregnant for the first time, over analysing absolutely everything, wondering if it’s a symptom of pregnancy, or if it’s just something I’m feeling generally. 

I ran out of pregnancy tests today, I’ve been using those internet cheapies religiously. The line is getting darker by the day, and this morning the test line popped right up before the control line even had chance to materialise, but yet I still doubt the fact that I’m pregnant, yet I know I am, that I have to be.

Is denial a sign of early pregnancy!? 

One Step Positive Pregnancy Tests - Line Progression

Towards the end of last week I used my last Clear Blue Digital Test, it eventually flashed up as 2-3 weeks pregnant, and I’m pretty certain. That if I was to get some more and do one over the coming days... it would hit the magical 3+.

Luke thinks I’ve lost the plot, I literally did 2/3 tests with Leo, but this time I’m an unstoppable force. 

In other news symptom wise, my boobs are sore, sometimes they feel more sore than others and I find myself nudging them just to see if they are still sore. 

At this stage I can say that my boobs have started to get that little bit more tender. Giving Luke a hug and him squeezing slightly to tightly can make them uncomfortable. Although i do remember them being super sore when I was pregnant with Leo.

I’ve been sleepy at times, last Saturday for instance we went to a local farm open day, and when I got back I napped for an hour. 

I am wondering if this is the start of the pregnancy extreme fatigue!

I’ve been waking early in the mornings, I just can’t stay in bed. Today I got up at 6am, and it’s usually pretty standard for me to snooze every alarm up until 7am.

This weekend I spent all of Saturday feeling super sleepy, I’ve been waking up at around 6ish most mornings for the last week. I’m sure that has to be linked to early pregnancy. The positive to this is I’ve been able to clean the whole house before the school run!

So far I think my symptoms have been pretty low on the pregnancy symptom scale. I’m wondering if it will step up a notch in the coming weeks...

Early Pregnancy - 2 weeks post conception

Achey boobs, fatigue on occasion but not as I remember it, slightly queasy every now and then, but seems to go just as fast, and no sign of actual sickness at this stage! 
I am still waking multiple times in night for a pee and know its only going to get worse!

No sign just yet, I wonder when it will materialise? I need to start taking some ‘bump shots’, you could almost call it a backwards transformation photo haha!

I’ve been continuing my attempt to stay active through this pregnancy, I did a Bodycoach HIIT Workout on my Amazon Alexa the other day, and I’ve been active on the spin bike and walking the pup.

Long may it continue.