Tuesday, 4 June 2019

First Trimester: Telling Leo

Announcing Pregnancy to siblings

Luke and I discussed when we should tell Leo our big news, it’s such a personal decision and one that I know everyone has to tailor to their own families. 

Luke and I decided to tell Leo the day after we found out. The reason for this is because Leo is involved 100% in absolutely everything we do. We have been a team of 3 since 2011 and I couldn’t imagine not having him in on the news. 

I know that some people hold back until 12 weeks ‘just in case’ and I completely understand that. Even if the worst did happen, we would still have told Leo that Mummy was pregnant and explain what had happened. 

I’m a firm believer in being open and honest with Leo no matter how hard it is. 

While I was at work Luke popped into town and picked up some Clear Blue Digital Tests for me to do, I did one and it popped up ‘Pregnant’ and then a few minutes later ‘1-2 weeks’. 

Positive Clear Blue Pregnancy Test 1-2 weeks

With this in my hand we decided that we would tell Leo when he finished school. We hoped in the car and drive to Next to look for a special T-Shirt with the words big brother or something along those lines. We found a white tee that had ‘Big Bro’ in black bold lettering, which we snapped right up and went to get our boy!

When we got home, I re-did the shoe box that I had prepared for Luke, and wrote Leo’s name in black sharpie. 

Announcing Pregnancy to siblings

Inside we’re all the tests (not that he knew what a pregnant test was), the picture I had very creatively drawn and now the big bro t-shirt.

Again I hid my phone ready to record his reaction (always a blogger at heart eh...).

You can see his reaction below.

The majority of Leo’s excitement has come now the news has sunk in, he’s so happy and it was the best thing I could ever to tell Leo. He has asked me for years about him becoming a brother, and I know it’s a role he’s going to be absolutely made for. 

I can’t wait to see my first baby holding my second baby, and I’m so so excited to have Leo come with us on this new adventure. He is coming to an early scan with us later this month, and I’ll make sure he’s at the 12 and 20 week scans too!

As we did with Leo, I will be booking a 4D bonding scan for all of us. I know that Leo is going to find this absolutely incredible, and I know that he’s at the perfect age for all of this.

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