This Bank Holiday Weekend we spent a few days in Devon.
We rolled with the weather...
We blew dandelion clocks...
We played outside and slid down the slide.
We laughed and we smiled...
We took a walk by the lake and fed the ducks...
We took a drive over to Minehead beach and sat along the sea front...
We laughed when Leo heard a Cockerel and thought it was an Elephant, we laughed even harder when he put his arm up as though he had an Elephant's trunk.
We were amazed when Leo went straight to bed in a strange new place without any fuss, and without any drama.
We loved the extra hour in bed he let us have.
We waved goodbye to the sun as the rain set in.
We came back home early when the weather didn't improve.
But while the sun was shining we were having a lovely bank holiday weekend.
On the 4th
of June we are adding a furry addition to our family, in the form of little
Tigger the Bengal kitten.
I just
know that with him coming into our little family, he is going to be a great
friend for Leo as he grows. They will have hours of playful fun and enjoy
snuggles together on the sofa.
For me I
am looking forward to having a family pet, I have always grown up with cat’s
and it just feels right to give Leo the opportunity to bond with an animal the
same way I did when I was growing up.
I am
looking forward to sleepy kitten snuggles as I sit down in an evening when Luke
is out and about, and I just know that he is going to be a very welcome
Since we
decided to get a kitten I have come to realise just how like babies they really
are. There is so much ‘stuff’ that you need to get, more so if you are getting
a kitten who is going to be primarily a house cat. You need even more to keep
them entertained.
We have
invested in a reasonably sized cat tree, the kind of size that actually made
Luke gasp as he walked into the room… I don’t think he was expecting it to
almost reach the ceiling and take up a whole corner of the room. But needs
We have
had to look into kitty litter, litter trays and litter boxes…Who knew there was
so much choice? We have even had to investigate kitten food and toys. The list
really is on-going….
are renown for their mischievous behaviour, and I think that is partly what
drew me towards the breed in the first place. So I really have pulled out all
of the stops when it comes to keeping him entertained…and from destroying the
house of course!
from the kitten tree we have a selection of different toys for Tigger, Leo and
I have spent a great deal of time in Pet’s at Home trying to get a selection of
different things ready for him. I have to admit that cat toy technology has
come on in leaps and bounds since I last looked, electric squeaking mice,
Feather boas on string, a battery operated ball in a bag, cat nip!
You name
it…We probably have it.
We have
even been sent a selection of items from the very lovely Baby Bea range sold at Pets at Home. The range has everything that you could possibly need for those
early days with a new kitten in the house.
I am at
a point now where I do feel we are ready to welcome our little Tigger home, we
have plenty to keep him entertained and of course fed and watered.
actually popped over to see him just the other day, and although he is still
dinky, he is coming along beautifully. He seems a little more refined than his
brother and sisters and isn’t as forthcoming for a fuss as they are, but I am
sure all that will change once he is used to us and all settled in.
Disclaimer: I have been sent a selection of kitten items from the Baby Bea range sold at Pets At Home, however all views and opinions expressed are completely my own.
knows when he is ready for bed, and these days he is so good about actually
going to bed. I can get him changed and into his pyjamas and explain that it is
now time for sleep without any drama at all.
He holds
his blankie close in one hand and his bedtime bottle of milk in the other. Then
every night without fail, Leo will exclaim ‘Macca Pacca’ ‘Baa’ until we
retrieve his soft plush toys and take them up to bed with him.
As Leo
has got older, the things that Leo needs to go to bed with him has grown too.
Sometimes it feels like I am carrying the world and his friend up those stairs
and tucking them in bed with my little man. Macca Pacca sits on one side of
Leo’s pillow and Baa sits on the other, blankie gets snuggled up down one side
of him so that he can rub it soothingly against his face. Each item acts as a
comfort in some shape or form to my little toddler, and it certainly aids bed
forbid that one of these items isn’t in bed with Leo at bedtime… He repeats
their names over and over again until you think you may explode if you hear
‘Baa’ or ‘Macca Pacca’ mentioned once more. But the main issue is blankie, if
blankie wasn’t there Leo would not settle at all.
is the main source of comfort, and no other blanket cuts the final bill for
Leo. He knows exactly which one blankie is and will not settle for anything but
his blankie. Luckily he is not opposed to it being washed, it is just the
general getting it off him to wash it in the first place that was a problem…
Now we
have two blankies, both exactly the same and he will accept either (thankfully)
so it has made it a lot easier to get one washed while he is still happy with
the other.
In the
last few months Leo and blankie if become more inseparable than ever before,
blankie literally comes everywhere with us. Whether it be in the car or around
the shopping centre in his pushchair…Leo takes his big cot duvet with him, as
that is what blankie is. A cot duvet.
When we
put the cot duvet in his cot we had no idea that he was going to form such an
attachment with it, but he did. Leo finding comfort in his blankie is actually
something I am glad happened, it made tough nights easier and it is something
that can be with him even when I am not there.
thing I have noticed of late is that blankie and milk seem to go hand in hand.
If he has one he needs the other…drinking milk without blankie does not happen
anymore and he gets really irate if you try to give him it without! He
persistently shouts ‘blankie’ until you provide it.
So here
we are in a catch 22 situation.
With Leo
turning two in the next month I really do feel that we have to curve the amount
of milk that he is drinking. I am not too opposed to milk at bedtime but the
amount he guzzles throughout the day is more out of comfort than a real need.
This of
course is getting added to the to do list that is almost as long as my arm… and
I really don’t know how we are going to cut the milk down when he associates it
so much with his blankie…
ideas would be very much welcomed as I know I have a battle on my hands.
bedtime does feel like he is more than enough in his cot with him, but as long
as he is safely tucked up in bed and dreaming, I am more than happy for him to
have whatever provides him the comfort that he needs.
So for
now that means blankie, Baa and Macca Pacca will be staying put right where
they are, but in the not so distant future I think the bottle of milk is going
to have to disappear.
I often think I have the most clumsy, often destructive toddler in the world.
Dirt and trouble seem to gravitate towards him and things just seem to have a tendency to fall over or go wrong in the same instance as him entering the room.
So when Nicola at Life Through My Eyes told me she was planning a cake smash for little Paige, I thought I would give it a try with my little man. After all he would love it right?
I spent the duration of Leo's afternoon nap in the kitchen baking up a cake for him to destroy. I even iced it really quickly so that it was a little more appealing to him. Of course it was around about this time that Luke decided to walk in the door from work and couldn't quite fathom why Leo got an entire cake to himself....That he was potentially just going to bash around!
Luke was actually telling me that he wanted a slice before it got leo'd...
Ignoring Luke completely I led Leo out into the garden and placed the entire cake on the ground. Leo just stood there staring at me as if to say 'are you crazy Mumma!?' He stood there as if he was looking for my approval, scared to make a move as on any normal occasion I would be telling him to keep his little hands off it!
I told Leo to go for it, to eat what he liked and enjoy himself, and with this little piece of encouragement he dipped a finger into the icing. He put it straight into his mouth and stuck his hand straight back into the cake for some more.
Then Leo...The most destructive toddler in the entire world...Demanded a spoon!
Yes, my toddler who apparently does not like getting his hands dirty wanted a spoon to complete his cake smash!
Obliging to his request, I got him a spoon and he continued to spoon the icing into his mouth. But that is as far as our little cake smash went.
This is the cake after it got 'smashed'...And after Luke had a slice!
I really thought that he would be unstoppable and this cake would be well and truly smashed into tiny little pieces, hence the taking him outside.
Maybe my little toddler isn't quite as troublesome as I first thought. Maybe he is actually rather refined... Or he is just growing up and knows that he shouldn't really throw/destroy food, even if Mummy is encouraging him.
Leo and
I were recently invited along to the new iKidz Centre and Bowlplex situated in
Dudley. It is about a 50 minutes’ drive away from us so we planned a day out in
Birmingham, one that was sure to keep little man entertained.
The day
we were due to go Leo came down with a horrid cough and cold, so despite him
feeling a little under the weather we decided he would still have a wail of a
time once he was there!
iKidz area is a fantastic soft play area for babies, toddlers and children to
run around, expand energy and enjoy themselves.
arrival we were greeted by smiling faces and shown where we needed to go in
order to get into the iKids play area. Leo was offered squash and given a
smiley face stamp for his hand (a stamp that he didn’t originally want, but
couldn’t stop pointing out after!)
As we
walked into the play area I heard Luke exclaim ‘wow’ and I could immedietly see
why he was in awe. The whole structure was modern, bright and exciting to look
at. If that wasn’t enough inclination for you to take off your shoes and run,
hop, jump and skip onto the structure…then you should have seen just how quiet
this child’s paradise was!
for little man to explore without us worrying about him getting hurt.
The staff
put on daily activities throughout the week for parent’s to bring their
children along to, just to get them out of the house and entertained for an
hour or so. I had picked the day we visited for two reasons, firstly there was
an activity that I thought Leo would really enjoy and secondly it was a day
that Luke had off work.
Leo was
given chance to have a play before the daily optional activity began, and when
the musical instrument session did start, Leo would not play ball. I showed him
the instruments that he could play with…But Leo waved and ran away. Leo climbed
up to the next floor and waved through a window to me. A big smile tearing
across his cheeky little face.
was no way he was coming back, so I was left with the lovely instructor and other
families whose children did want to play.
They do
a range of different activities with the kid’s throughout the week, on a
Tuesday they have sand and water play! I think Leo would have definitely stuck
around for that!
from Leo and a few other children in the play area, it was so quiet. Leo could
go wherever her wanted and do whatever he wanted. Luke and I were both free to
follow him onto the equipment to make sure that he was ok in all of his
wasn’t his usual happy self and it was apparent that he was a little under the
weather, but he was very soon running around the place like he owned it. He was
climbing up and down the stairs, running around on the first floor…All until he
discovered the Perspex floors….
Leo did
not like those Perspex floors one little bit, and the only way that I could get
him over them was to physically carry him over. I was really surprised that Leo
could associate them with fear at his age, but he was adamant that he wasn’t
going to be walking over on this occasion!
The play
equipment is finished off to the highest standards and we discovered some super
extras tucked away with the usual treasures, in the ball pool area there is
some fabulous equipment such as a ball pipe that sucks up the balls you place
inside up and away, spitting them above the ball pool into a net! There is also
a table with holes that you can place balls on, pressing the button shoots the
balls up and holds them with the air that streams out!
thought this was all great and we spent a while just playing around in there.
There is
a choice of 3 different types of slide, which I must insist you try! There is
the long curly wirly slide, one very similar to the one we have in our local
soft play area, the only difference is….This one is super fast. I took Leo down
expecting the same leisurely decent, but when I reached the bottom I had one
confused toddler and one very dizzy Mummy to contend with!
What I
thought was really great was that there was a room on the play structure full
of giant duplo, Leo thought this was great! The only dilemma that we faced was
that the Perspex flooring was favoured in this room! The only way Leo would
play in here was stood on the Purple seams!
iKidz play area is situated on the far right of the bowlplex, and you can
actually see the bowling lanes from the play area. This is where little man
discovered bowling for the very first time! With Leo’s interest in place we
decided now would be the perfect time to introduce Leo to the game. We were
shown to our lane and helped to get the board all set up, and then the game
Leo had
a super time for the first few goes, we put the ball on the run and let him
push it down the ramp. Leo was actually doing better than I was! And in the end
Daddy won, followed closely by Leo….and then of course there was me!
Leo soon
started to feel more under the weather and began to become more whingey and
just wanted cuddles, We picked this moment to take our very tired, grumpy
little man out for lunch.
We had a
lovely time at the Bowlplex and would highly recommend it for a family day out.
There is something for everyone to do, the younger children will be more than
welcome in the play area, for the older children and adults there are arcade
games and bowling, Leo even demonstrated that you are never too young to take
I was invited along to the Dudley Bowlplex to share my personal experience and opinions We had a lovely time and would highly recommend a visit if you are in
the area.
was recently asked if I would like to trialCasabu – the flash sales parenting site that stocks a
wide range of products for Mum and baby. Casabu host daily sales from a variety
of the exciting product ranges that they stock, from clothing, toys, nursery
equipment, maternity gear with up to 90% off retail prices!
benefit from the great savings on Casabu you first need to create an
account or sign in with your Facebook account. Once you are logged in a number
of special offers from that day are presented to you, and you can either have a
look at these deals or head up to the tool bar at the top of the page, where
you can shop in a number of different ways:
-By Brand
- By Age
- By Category
website is really easy to navigate and it is really simple to find what you are looking for. The deals change daily so if nothing takes your fancy today, then you can check back tomorrow to see what new goodies are in stock. Once you are all signed up you will receive a daily email with the latest deals, so it could not be easier to keep up to date with the latest bargains.
I ordered Leo a really lovely wooden tool bench on the 30th April 2013, and you are given a rough idea on the product page of when your order will be dispatched. I was advised upon booking that delivery could take up to 13 days, it took 15 days in the end but I was in no rush for delivery as the item is actually being put away for Leo's birthday in June.
I have to say though that the customer service was brilliant. Casabu called me to let me know that there had been a delay on my item and told me that the stock was coming in later that week and it would be dispatched pretty much straight away to fulfill my order. They also sent me an email to confirm the voicemail after I missed their call, you cannot ask for anything more than that really!
The email told me that delivery would be made on the Wednesday, and they were completely right! I had to very quickly move the very bright tool bench box out of Leo's eye line as he wanted to open it there and then!
Casabu currently have some lovely items in stock, but you have to get in quick to secure what you would like as things do sell out pretty quickly.
Here is a little selection of the items I like on today's offers,
For Leo's last birthday we actually bought him a Smart Trike Zoo and he adored it, and I can confirm that we certainly paid much more than the fantastic price of £72.00 that it is currently selling for over at Casabu!
I can highly recommend Casabu, and I have not been dis-heartened by the delay in my product arriving. I think if you are on the look out for a gift for someone, look in advance and then you will be prepared.
Happy shopping!
Disclaimer: I was provided with a voucher for the purpose of this review, however all views and opinions are completely honest and my own.
I can’t be the only person who’s been thinking about summer holidays recently. Given that the sun has finally come out to play here at home, I can’t help but fantasise about taking a break away, surrounded by my family, relaxing and trying new things.
I’ve been wanting to try somewhere new for a while as visiting the same places can get pretty boring, but as well as finding beautiful places for the grown-ups to enjoy, we've got to find places for the kids to have fun as well.
One location which seems to fit this perfectly yet remain pretty underrated is St. Anton in Austria. A hotspot for skiers in winter, the snow-capped mountains in this area are quite overwhelmingly beautiful and a lot of fun for those who enjoy snow sports.
It is, however, woefully underrated as a summer break spot. When the snow melts, the flowers peep out and the sun shines down, this region completely changes; but still remains just as beautiful as ever.
Clean air, mountains, lakes, wildlife, floral and tranquillity, this looks like the perfect place to take a family for some summer fun. You could relax for hours in this place, but if a break spent sat down enjoying a book seems a little boring, never fear!
The range of activities on offer here could not be more varied. Krissy Sinclair, Austria resort manager of lakes and mountains holiday specialists Inghams, said: “The whole family will appreciate the tunning scenery and huge range of exciting outdoor activities in the Austrian resort of Saalbach situated in the scenic Glemm valley.”
The St. Anton village can be a real party town during skiing season, but in the summer it’s incredibly peaceful. There are local festivities at different points in the summer which feature music, dancing, food and beer. There are modern entertainment facilities here such as bowling alleys, swimming pools, tennis courts, and spas, gyms, bars and restaurants, to name just a few!
When you fancy a change of scenery from the village, there are loads of outdoor activities for everyone to enjoy. Take a trek on the mountains which provide brilliant views of the entire region, or if you fancy something a little more fast-paced, take a bike ride on one of the many, many routes available for all different skill levels.
If you’ve got a little daredevil in you, water sports such as white water rafting is available with a team of experts, whilst waterfall climbing is a sure fire way to get the adrenaline going!
For somewhere to stay after the busy days, the Austrian Inghams advisor recommends 4* Hotel Kohlmais for a truly luxurious and relaxing nights sleep.
I have spent the last couple of days bottoming the house, Spring cleaning fever really has arrived with a passion this year.
I have scrubbed the entire kitchen more than once over and I have even cleaned the windows, not to mention sweeping and mopping the floor.
The next room on my list is Leo's play room, which unfortunately has become the ideal dumping ground for things we need to get rid of.
I finally got upstairs and into my bedroom to sort out all of the laundry back into my wardrobe. It would seem time has a habit of running away with you when you are neck deep in clothes as by the time I sat down and glanced at the clock it was just shy of midnight.
Finally getting chance to go through all of my clothes has shed light on the fact that some of the items will never ever be worn again. By me anyway...
I decided while I was in the 'sorting mood' I should sort out a pile of clothes I no longer wanted. After all it would give me plenty of new wardrobe space, and a chance to maybe treat myself to a few new outfits. Shopping is almost always for the little man in my life, so it would be lovely to have a entire shopping trip dedicated to just moi.
The clothes I am getting rid of will be split between the charity shop and musicMagpie, a site where you can sell on your items and even get cash 4 clothes.
Finally getting my wardrobe sorted has made me feel a lot better about my 'to do list' and I am rather looking forward to the chance of filling the spaces I have freed up with new attire.
Summer IS on the way, whether we believe it or not in this bleak display of May.
I am refusing to believe anything other than this.
Sooner or later... The sun will come.
And when it does... I will be ready.
Chill Factor have sent us their new Squeeze Cup Slushy Maker to try out, and despite the lack of sunshine I thought it would be perfect to have around for that moment when the sun does break out from behind all of those bleak clouds.
I have to admit that I was a little skeptical to how this new cup was going to work when I first read the instructions. But I followed them word for word and put the Squeeze Cup in the freezer overnight, so that it was ready for when I got home from work this evening.
I was skeptical because I couldn't fathom how just putting the cup alone in the freezer without the chosen beverage would create a slushy...But it did!
The instructions advise to use a beverage that has been refrigerated, you can't really use something at room temperature. So for best results pop what ever you like in fridge around the same time as you put the cup in the freezer.
I decided to have a slushy coke.
Taking the Squeeze Cup out of the freezer and filling it up to just below the white brim, I started squeezing the cup as instructed. Within seconds the coke was indeed turning to slush!
I kept squeezing just to make sure that all the coke had been slushed sufficiently and then it was time to enjoy...without Leo seeing the slushy goody that I now had!
It was so easy to use, no mess at all which is actually un-heard of as you will know if you have ever tried making one up!
Taking the cup apart to wash it up was a doddle and it is now back in the freezer ready for when I wish to use it again.
The Chill Factor Squeeze Cup retails at £12.00, and although I like the product I think that the price may put some people off. It is a great little invention though and if you have kids who live on ice lollies through the summer months (which will be coming) I highly recommend giving this cup a try.
Here is a short clip of how we got on with the Squeeze Cup, please forgive the shaky camera!
Disclaimer:I was sent the Chill Factor Squeeze Cup for the purpose of this review, however all views and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.
It’s a
knowing look, a look that has the power to reduce us both to fits of the
for absolutely no reason at all, it could even be at a time where I am in the
process of telling Leo why he shouldn’t be trying to throw all of my freshly
washed clothes through the banister rail and down the stairs… Or how he
shouldn’t be taking Daddy’s shoes out of his side of the wardrobe so he can get
in and tell me ‘bye’… Or even when he is throwing all of the dinner that he
doesn’t want on the floor as fast as I am picking it up…
In any
instance Leo tilts his head and shoots that winning smile in my direction.
A cheeky
smile accompanied by the dirtiest of laughs, but the most infectious kind of
chuckles that you have to be made of stone to resist.
I shoot
him my sternest look, I mean business and no amount of Leo’s smiling combat is
going to knock me off my perch this time. No siree.
Leo’s looking at me, big blue eyes and all.
smile is there.
dirty laugh.
Then a
crack appears on my face, and there is
nothing I can do.
the right hand side of my face relents and as quickly as I try to whip it back
into line, the left hand side joins suit.
smile has appeared on my face and any hope I had in letting that mischievous
little boy of mine know who is boss has been thwarted.
those moments while we are both laughing so hard that the tears stream down my
cheeks and my sides begin to ache, it doesn’t even matter what he was doing
before because that time when we are like that, it is perfect.
I had
one very excited other half when I told him that we had been invited along to
ExCeL London to visit The Grand Designs Show. Luke avidly watches the TV
programme so he was excited to be let loose and have a wonder around all of the
stands. I on the other hand was looking forward to seeing the unique items and
having a ponder around the food section.
Who knew
that getting into London early on a Sunday would be such a faf? I sure
didn’t…So our 11am meet with Ekornes was postponed by 3 hours, after we had
finally stepped foot into London and navigated the endless closures on the tube
lines. Finally…We arrived.
walked into the show with the crowds of other people who were hoping to find
themselves a bargain on the last day of the show. Neither of us knew which row
we should start at first, we didn’t want to miss a single thing.
I had no
idea that The Grand Designs show was going to be set to such a large scale,
there were businesses from all walks of life all offering something new and
exciting. There was something for absolutely everyone, from art lovers to those
looking for eco-friendly ideas to help save them money on their bills.
were set up demonstrating their Stressless furniture, amongst them were the
recliners and sofas. People were avidly taking a seat and putting them through
their paces.
I found
myself wandering around with my mouth dragging along the floor, wanting to
spend money that I couldn’t even dream of ever earning. I stumbled across the
Water Bed stand and I could have stayed there floating on luxury all afternoon,
I mean who wouldn’t want a water bed that offers a back massage too!?
were along showing off all of their most up to date televisions and tablet
devices, as those really prestigious homes people have dreamed up need
furnishing as such too with all the latest technology.
invited us to sit down and try out their 3D television, which as expected was
completely fantastic, and once again completely blew any potential budget well
out of the water.
if you were in the market for anything particular it was well worth going along
and having a look, with so many big brands there offering special show
discounts on their usual RRP, there was the potential to pick up a real
bargain. If you go along with an open mind and one or two items that you would
like then you could surprise yourself.
It is
well worth researching who will be in attendance at these events ahead of
attending, so you have an idea of what you will see when you are there. What
really amazed me was the extent of some of the stands that had been set up.
There were hot tubs on display, a swimming pool full of water, cars and even a
I was in
my element when I discovered the food and home section of the show, I spent a
great deal of time walking around taking in all the aromas and watching product
This section
is actually where we made our purchases, I discovered the tastiest jarred
curries that had been cooked up by Panjaban and decided to stock the cupboards
up so that we had a selection. If you are a curry lover like I am then make
sure you check them out and try a few. The Keema is my absolute favourite!
We spent
a lovely afternoon looking around the show and by the end we each had a pair of
very tired feet. If you are thinking of going along next year then make sure
you do, there is so much to see.
If you
can avoid eating your lunch within ExCeL I would advise it as it cost me an arm
and a leg just to eat a Subway!
A big
thanks to Ekornes for their hospitality, we both had a wonderful day!
Disclaimer: I was provided with tickets to the Grand Designs Live show and my travel expenses were paid to be in attendance, however all views and opinions are completely honest and my own.