Wednesday, 1 May 2013

New Look Wish List

I have been asked to put together a wish list of items that have caught my eye on the New Look website, being an avid shopper in New Look for their affordable prices I was very happy to get involved. 

Logging onto the New Look site was as simple as ever and the search facility allowed me to search for my clothing size, the type of clothing I was looking for and even colours.

So here is my New Look wish list, all clothes that I would be very happy to have in my wardrobe over the course of this summer.

 Starting at the top left we have the Dolly and Delicious Silver V Neck Playsuit, this would be perfect on a warm summers evening, and would complement my holiday wardrobe no end. I may just have to add this to my next order.

On the top right we have the Stone Beaded Fringe Waistcoat, I love the long fringe along the bottom and think this would be lovely to wear at this time of year. It is lovely and airy so you will be kept cool and offered a little shelter from the sun's rays.

Now it will be no surprise to those who know me that leggings are on my wishlist. I live in leggings and own many in different colours and styles, but surprisingly I don't have any black shiny ones just yet! *Makes note to add to next order*

I spent the entire 9 months of my pregnancy in leggings as I found them really forgiving, although if I had needed to purchase some new maternity wear Newlook would have been my first choice. They have a great selection that in-keeps with the current fashion trends, which means you can still look great even if you are feeling far from it!

Last on my list is the Meme White Lace Dress, I love the simplicity of white but only get to wear it on the odd occasion that I have a toddler free day. Unbelievably I still manage to end up wearing everything I eat on my lovely white attire...So this one may need to just sit on my wish list and look pretty, because it certainly wouldn't stay white on me!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post

1 comment:

  1. New look is one of my favourite shops nowadays as it is one of the only ones in my town and one of the only ones I can afford. ;) x


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