Friday, 17 May 2013

It's Time for a Spring Clean!

I have spent the last couple of days bottoming the house, Spring cleaning fever really has arrived with a passion this year.

 I have scrubbed the entire kitchen more than once over and I have even cleaned the windows, not to mention sweeping and mopping the floor.

The next room on my list is Leo's play room, which unfortunately has become the ideal dumping ground for things we need to get rid of.

I finally got upstairs and into my bedroom to sort out all of the laundry back into my wardrobe. It would seem time has a habit of running away with you when you are neck deep in clothes as by the time I sat down and glanced at the clock it was just shy of midnight.

Finally getting chance to go through all of my clothes has shed light on the fact that some of the items will never ever be worn again. By me anyway...

I decided while I was in the 'sorting mood' I should sort out a pile of clothes I no longer wanted. After all it would give me plenty of new wardrobe space, and a chance to maybe treat myself to a few new outfits. Shopping is almost always for the little man in my life, so it would be lovely to have a entire shopping trip dedicated to just moi.

The clothes I am getting rid of will be split between the charity shop and musicMagpie, a site where you can sell on your items and even get cash 4 clothes.

Finally getting my wardrobe sorted has made me feel a lot better about my 'to do list' and I am rather looking forward to the chance of filling the spaces I have freed up with new attire.

Have you started spring cleaning yet?

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post

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