Sunday, 27 May 2018

A little Update...

Dalmatian Dog

It feels so good to be back, and by back I mean to sit down at the computer and start putting my thoughts back down into my little corner of the internet. I know I have been so quiet around these parts, but it really has been for a good reason (well that and because I got especially lazy!).

Where do I start?

Last October I hung up my self employment hat and took on a part time position at a local company, and I think it could be the best thing I have done. I am lucky enough to work within a great team, and there isn't a day they don't cease to make me chuckle. It all works around Leo and Lux perfectly, being a local company, I can drop Leo at school in the morning, and get to work by 9am. Finishing at 2pm, I can get home to walk the dog and then pick Leo up at the end of the school day.

I didn't realise how much I had missed actually going out to work, I think that we all need that adult conversation during the day, and at home it was just me and the dog. My aim after becoming employed again was to take my blog right back to the roots, but seemingly I got lazy and I didn't have the motivation to turn the computer on at the end of the working day. I opted to get my workout in (I am primarily working out entirely from home again these days!), and then fall in front of Netflix for the rest of the evening.

Rape Flowers
It's now May and the tumbleweeds have been blowing around for way to long, I am ready to re-claim my space and start over sharing again! Moving forward you can expect family updates and reviews, I want to keep it all authentic and true to us. I have started a bit of a post 'tidy up', and will be removing anything that I don't feel is relevant to us, and at some point I want to spring clean my older posts and have them made into a book for Leo. 

Ultimately this blog was made to capture our memories, and somewhere along the way I feel like I lost my way on that front. Things got a little jaded, and I personally believe that is because it really did become my job. I sold out, I lost focus and in turn I lost my way. Now I have taken a step back, re-evaluated what's important and taken a very long break from the blogging community (and boy has a lot changed in my absence!), I am back and ready to start a fresh.

Leo is turning 7 next month, yup SEVERN! It seems so crazy that my little blog baby is as grown up as he is now. He's still the ultimate Mummy's boy though which I love. I know that in a few short years he will be taller than me, and he is already well on the way.

Dalmatian Dog

Lux otherwise known as the spotty one is still causing trouble on a daily basis, but he really is part of our crazy little family unit, and no amount of floor munching or targeted poop humiliation could change that! Thankfully he does have one good trait, and he is a pro spider catcher (it does help us overlook his less desirable traits!).

Dalmatian and children

Right now we are preparing for a busy couple of months, starting with June. We are all off to see Ed Sheeran in concert next month (This will be Leo's very first concert, and my Second!), then Lux turns 2, Leo turns 7 and there is even talk of a big family holiday to Rhodes (which means Lux is off to boarding for a week!).

This means I will have lots to share with you. Last year when we left Lux.... The boarder couldn't wait to give him back. So we may need some happy well wishing thoughts sent our way, because I think before long we will have exhausted all board options in our local area...

Finally we have enlisted a one to one dog trainer to help us perfect our spotty beast, here's hoping that he comes on in leaps and bounds!

Dalmatian and children

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