Tuesday 21 July 2015

Run the Race for Life with Kiqplan

Kayla Itsines BBG Guide

I have been blogging about my fitness for over a year now, I can't quite believe that the time has ticked away so quickly. I recently shared my 12 month update with you all, how I had got on, how I had changed in ways other than with the obvious weight loss. A year doesn't really sound like a long time, but it is amazing what you can achieve when you set your mind and your efforts in the right direction. 

Of course like any idea, you need fuel to get off the ground. For me starting out on this journey, it was completely foreign to me. I had no idea where to start, how to train my body, how to achieve results. We don't all have the financial means to hire a personal trainer to map everything we should be doing out for us, we don't all have that kind of time to afford to someone. For parent's out there like me who want to make a change, it really can all be done at home.

That's exactly where the Kiqplan app comes into the equation. The app is just like having your own personal coach at your side, except that it is all on your terms, and your terms alone. It guides you through exactly what you need to do in order to build up your capabilities and find your strength. The app can be completely tailored to your own individual needs and has been designed with the goal of shifting you off the coach and to get out running a race within 12 weeks! No matter your fitness level when you commence Kiqplan, you will be training up your fitness so that you can run the Race for Life 5k or even 10k race

Train with Kiqplan and run the Race for Life!

'Ladies, lace up your trainers because Kiqplan is here to get you ready for battle! Kiqplan, a digital coaching plan, will stay with you every step of the way for the next 12 weeks, getting you ready for the big day. Whether your goal is to run, walk or charge your way round to the finish line, we've got you covered with 5k and 10K plans to get you there.

Kiqplan is designed to help women of all ages, shapes and sizes and uses information from your activity tracker, smart phone or app about the number of steps you take or calories you eat to design a training plan specifically for you.'

I have certainly improved my stamina in the past year, and although the most running I have done has been going for a jog, I am tempted to don my best running shoes and see how I fare in a race. Maybe even the Race for Life. It would be a massive achievement for the girl, who 12 months ago didn't do much else other than watch Netflix and sip a can of Coca Cola, let alone run a race!

I think this year is my year for something like this, and it really would be a true test of how far I have come, a new challenge to sink my teeth into, while doing a good deed at the same time!

You can download the App for just 4.99 from both the Apple and Android Store.

What are your fitness goals for 2015?

1 comment:

  1. Just come across your blog and your fitness journey...wow you've done so well! You must be proud of what you've achieved :) I'm just starting to pay the price for all my chocolate eating...boo. Your journey is pretty inspirational, well done xx


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