Friday, 26 February 2016

Chinos: No Thank You

Whether it's a date who rolls up in an outfit that looks like his Mum picked it out for him or a partner who seems to have lost all ideas of how to dress over the years, we have all had those moments where we would love nothing more than to take the power out of there hands, and simply pick out their outfits for them. 

Of course this switch of power is to help them, encourage them and of course awaken their passion to dress themselves in a way that put's a smile on our faces. A smile that will be wiped clean off my face if you rock up to meet me in a pair of tight fitting, coloured chinos. 


I have a personal hate for chinos. I hate the different colour ways. I full stop hate chinos. I don't care how you dress them, for me they are never going to work. I don't know exactly what it is about chinos that I dislike so much, but seriously plum coloured chinos? A guy wearing trousers tighter than your own...No thank you. 

What's wrong with a simple pair of smart jeans? Nice jeans I mean, not the kind that hang around below your waist. A nice pair of jeans like these very dapper Armani Jeans (£110.00) that can be dressed up or down if you change up the shoes. You could pair them with trainers for a more casual look or even some brown shoes and a shirt if you are heading out for the evening. 

For a more casual look the Tommy Hilfiger Finn Stripe Jumper (£55.00) is smart and great for everyday wear, especially at this time of year where you can't quite get away with a t-shirt. To keep things simple finish the look with the Hugo Boss Spacit Lace up Trainers (£129.00), smart but simple.

Jeans just work, They work for you and they work for me. For a start they aren't Plum, and second they are a essential wardrobe addition. You cannot go wrong with a pair of jeans, and if you are torn between a smart pair of jeans or chinos... Wear the jeans because the chinos aren't even a contender. 

Say this is our first date and you roll up in chinos... I can assure you hand on heart, that I will sit there the entire time asking myself what made you opt for the chinos. I'll be asking myself why. Why did you think plum worked? Did you even own a pair of jeans? Would you always opt for the chinos? Why are you trousers tighter than mine? 

Guys... Say no to Chinos.

Of course the weather is soon going to be warming up, so you may be thinking about adding some new tee's to your collection. T-shirts that compliment your denim of course. Here are a few of my favourites that I think would team up perfectly:

Tommy Hilfiger Terrance T-Shirt - Was £30.00 - NOW: £15.00
Tommy Hilfiger Slim Fit Polo - Was £65.00 - NOW: £32.50
Calvin Klein Talca T-Shirt - Was £35 - NOW: £17.00
6th Sense 5 Colour Stripe Polo - Was £35.00 - NOW: £14.00

Im not opposed to colour, in fact I love seeing men embracing colour (unless it's in chinos... Sorry guys!). I think this shows in the tee's I have shared above.

Clothing choices in men and women are both such a personal choice and I know first hand how sometimes we aren't brave enough to try certain outfits through fear of not being able to pull them off. It's important to throw caution to the wind and try different styles out, find what works and what doesn't.

Couples who shop together, look good together.

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