Wednesday 20 April 2016

A Fitness Update

Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide

It's been a while since I posted about my fitness, but it is still something that I am actively pursuing, and more importantly enjoying. The last few months I have turned everything I was doing on it's head, I seemed to plateau and my results went backwards instead of forwards, and I found that I was no longer enjoying what I was doing. I was disappointed in myself and realised that I needed to make some changes in order to regain the control over something that I was loving.

In hind sight I realise that I was over doing it, it's true what they say, there most certainly is the possibility of to much of a good thing. I found myself at the gym multiple times a day for the many different classes that were going on, I was enjoying them, but my back track seemed to continue. I kept ploughing forward almost trying to convince myself that more was better. 

I knew that something had to change.

I took absolutely everything back to basics, I thought about what worked for me and decided to revert back to the plan that I had been using and loving before I took things a little bit to far. I decided to listen to my body and re-gain the control that I had lost. 

I haven't been to the gym now in 2 weeks.

I have realised that I have everything that I need at home in order to get everything that I need to do done. I decided to restart Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide from week 1 and really get my eating back on track. I am now 5 weeks into the guide and I am already starting to feel leaner again, and it couldn't come at a better time, because in just under 5 weeks time I am jetting off to the clear blue skies of Greece, and I honestly believe that it is because of this that I have finally pulled my finger out.

To think about just how much I have turned things on their head, you really have to look at how my habits have changed. I am the perfect example of an alarm snoozer. I am the least morning person you could meet, and I have been known to leave it until mere minutes before leaving the house in time to get Leo to school. However over these last few weeks I have been making the conscious effort to get up in the morning, get outside and do some high intensity training or getting my work out's done bright and early in the lounge. Of course I can't function before I have had some caffeine, but in the spirit of being healthier I have been enjoying some Mighty Matcha Green Tea!

Mighty Matcha Green Tea

For me getting the work outs done and dusted in the AM, really sets me up for the day ahead. I am up hours before Leo awakens, I can finish the work out and shower before I need to awaken my sleeping beauty and get him up, fed and off to school. 

I am doing all of my cardio in the great outdoors, which is proving to be a lovely way to burn those calories rather than staring at the cross trainer screen for an hour every other day. In fact I am doing so much more walking, that I am going to treat myself to a Sketchers Memory Foam Leisure Trainers! 

Now once that morning work out is done, that's me done for the rest of the day. No more hours spent in the gym, I am getting everything done, seeing results and im back to enjoying it again.

Enjoying what you are doing is ultimately the most important aspect in anything you apply yourself to. It keeps you moving forward and on target.

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