Tuesday 10 May 2016

Birthday Planning for a 5 Year Old

5th Birthday party

I have been so behind in getting everything I want to say about Leo over these last few months, and this is something that I will be changing. We have so much going on right now, and it is all definitely something that I want and will document, but that will have to wait for another post. For now though I want to focus on an exciting event that is taking place next month, Leo turns FIVE! 


It's been Five years of firsts for both Leo and I, we have had some incredible moments, and we have had some equally trying moments, but when I look back at everything we have done, everything that we have achieved and everything that is yet to come, I feel an intense sense of pride. Leo has over come so many hurdles that have been lay in the path before him, and even when he has stumbled, he has always, always got back up on his feet again.

5th Birthday party

With Leo turning Five, I really want to give him an incredibly special day this year. This will be the first time I have ever thrown him a party, but with it being his first year of school and the first year he has really actually asked for a Birthday Party, I am determined to give that to him.

This year Leo's Birthday falls on a Monday, which means he will be at school. It will be hard not having him with me on that day, but what I plan on doing is organizing his party for Sunday the 26th June so that we get to celebrate as close to his actual big day as we can. In fact the more I think about it, the more I think that we will just celebrate his birthday a day earlier this year. There will be friends, yummy food and all of his friends. I will have all of his gifts ready for him to open and enjoy too. This way it means he gets to enjoy everything without having to wait until he get's home from school on the Monday. 

I am looking to book the local leisure centre's soft play area and get all of Leo's friends to come along for an afternoon of fun. I have never entertained so many children before, so this is going to be an occasion that really puts me to the test! Think party games and ample disposable supplies so that I can literally bag everything up and bin it at the end of the party! You see there was a method to not having the party at home!

Leo has set his heart on a Bowser Castle Cake, and as I look at the Pinterest inspiration I have been busy pinning, I can already envision myself having a melt down over the icing. That being said though, last year when Leo asked for a Mario Kart 8 cake, I spent hours the day before getting it all together for him, and when he laid eyes on it the next day, his reaction melted away all of the frustration I had in making it. In fact hearing the excitement flicker across his face and light up those sparkly eyes of his, I could have cried with pride. He was so pleased with that cake, that he didn't even care about presents. He thought the cake was his gift! 

Mario Kart Cake

All he has asked for this year is his party and his Bowser Castle Cake, so I will be pulling out all of the stops to make this all happen for him, and I will have to get creative in what I get for his main present this year, as he genuinely has not asked for anything.

I just want to give Leo a special day, a day that celebrates him. A day where there's no school, stress or anything like that. Just a day of smiles, laughter and love that celebrates Leo turning 5 years old.

5th Birthday Party

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