Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Leo Turns SIX

Sixth Birthday Haul


It doesn't matter what you do, time is going to pass. 

Days, weeks, months and subsequently years too.

The reason I started blogging all of those years ago was to capture those fleeting moments in time, the kind that appear before your eyes if only for a split second, and then disappear as quickly as they surfaced. 

Over the last 6 years that is what I have done, I have shared our journey, Leo's story. If you are reading this then the chances are that you have seen Leo blossom into the beautiful boy he is today.  

On the 27th June 2017, Leo turned SIX years old, and in that 6 years, my baby boy has grown up. He has become kind, caring and thoughtful, and he has become someone that I am incredibly proud of. His wicked sense of humour never ceases to put a smile on my face, and his cheeky smile that beams out through his glassy blue eyes is enough to make anyones day.

So when Leo's birthday came around again, I wanted him to have a very special day. Leo didn't ask for a lot, in fact if you asked him he simply said he didn't know, but I already knew what the perfect gift would be.

Sixth Birthday

Leo loves computer games, if he has some spare time then there is nothing he loves more than getting lost in a Minecraft world or embarking on a race against Luigi in Mario Kart 8 on his Nintendo Wii U. That little console has served him well, but it has started to fail him over the last few months, so Daddy and I decided that the absolute perfect gift would be to treat him to the brand new Nintendo Switch.

It's no secret that I love preparing for Leo's birthday, and I get a real buzz out of seeing just how excited he is for the big day. This year he was counting down the sleeps from at least 17 days before... Everyday we had to tick off another sleep on the calendar, and then suddenly it was the eve of Leo's special day...

I always remember the 26th June with fondness, because it was on this day that I was in the early stages of labour (even if I didn't know it yet!), and I can remember the day like it was yesterday. It was a super hot day, and my ankles were so happy they decided to swell up to the size of balloons. It was a Sunday, a week before my due date and I was supposed to be heading into work the very next day...Obviously this didn't happen because that Leo was waiting around for nobody.

Leo's birthday eve is not spent pacing around the house in a bid to get comfortable (because you couldn't sit down) anymore, it is making sure everything is ready for the Birthday boy when he wakes up in the morning, making sure that he knows just how proud we are of him.

Sixth Birthday Haul 

Leo's big day falls on a school day so I decided to get up extra early and make sure that everything was ready for him when he came downstairs. Daddy and I had set the new Switch up the night before so that he could have a quick go before he had to head out of the door for school.

I sent him off to school with his brand new Minecraft Creeper Backpack from Noisy Sauce (so we had to promptly take everything out of his old school bag!), and of course with a big Birthday badge and armed with cupcakes for all of his school friends.

Minecraft Creeper Backpack from Noisy Sauce

After school we all went out for a Birthday dinner at Frankie and Benny's before we went back to Granny's to light his Minecraft Cake! 

Minecraft Birthday Cake

Minecraft Birthday Cake

I couldn't resist purchasing relighting candles for the cake this year (it's also the first year I cheated and didn't make the cake! *INSERT HORRIFIED LOOKS HERE*, and I couldn't help chuckling as each time Leo blew out the candles, they all relit again. Daddy was in charge of recording at this point, and apparently he neglected to hit *REC*, as when I came to edit this footage... it wasn't there!

I should probably mention here that Daddy also got Leo his very first motorbike. It's one of those small petrol ones, so now we need to purchase a helmet and other safety bits and find a suitable field for Luke to teach him how to ride. I expect this will come in a future blog/vlog.

For now though, he is a snippet of Leo's special day.

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