Tuesday, 4 December 2018

A Boy's Gift Guide - Kids

A Boy's Gift Guide - Kids

For me the real magic at Christmas stems from Leo's pure love and belief. 

At 7 years old he acts older than his years in so many different ways, he shies away from things that other children his age are drawn to, face painting, activities when we go out for the day and even playing with toys. 

Sometimes it feels like I have a teenager on my hands already.

Then Christmas come around and Leo gets swept up in the magic. 

His Christmas elves Emmanuel and Samuel return and so does the twinkle in his eyes. 

He rushes down stairs each morning to see what mischief they have created while everyone is asleep, and he wholeheartedly, hand on heart believes in Father Christmas, the North pole and all of the magic.

This makes my heart so happy. 

On the first of December our cheeky elves arrived back from the North Pole with a very special treat. 

Leo is loving that he is getting some really nice new Smiggle bits on a daily basis. He loves Smiggle and I have been really impressed with just how much has been packed into the advent calendar. 

It is now day 4 and he has now had a Dolphin Rubber, a Pixel Ruler, a Shiny Star pencil and a really cool looking Snap Band! 

Christmas is a time of year that I love to pour energy into, to make each and every day of December the most magical they can be, because I know that these kind of Christmas's are numbered, and I hate to think of a time where this pure innocence and magic will no longer exist for him.

In the spirit of keeping the magic alive, and having the most magical Christmas ever, here we have 2018's Christmas Gift Guide for boys! 

Belvoir Festive Presse Range

Christmas is all about spending quality time with friends and family, indulging in a few treats and trying new things. I for one love Mulled Wine, which obviously is an adult beverage, so this year we have a few different varieties of Belvoir and their festive Pressés range. 

Belvoir make natural cordials, Pressés and fruit crushes at their countryside home in Lincolnshire, they use naturally delicious ingredients, with nothing artificial being used in the creation of their tasty range. 

Leo has been really excited to help taste test the selection we have been sent, it's great because he gets to enjoy the same beverage as the 'grown ups'.

Keep an eye out in the shops for their festive range which comprises:

- Mulled Winter Punch
- Spiced Ginger Punch
- Mulled Winter Cordial
- Festive Fruit Punch

 Monopoly Cheaters Edition.

When the whole family gets together, we love nothing more than sitting down with some cheese and crackers, and whipping out a board game to get everyone involved. Last New Year we all went over to the parent's house and had the best of times, and who knows, it might just be how to choose to bring in 2019.

Last year was when Leo first got introduced to the game of Monopoly, he went on a team with his Daddy and they both kicked my bum, but it turns out there is a new version of the game that I have never heard of. 

As the name suggests, this version is all about cheating and what you can get away with. You can take your traditional version of the game and rip those ruled right up, because in 2018 it's all about dancing over and around those rules and really switching it up.

What's That Smell? Board Game

A game that Leo has been absolutely loving this year is What's That Smell? I have to say that this is the very first game of it's kind that I have come across, and I think this game alone is going to get a lot of giggles as we take it around to the family and have a game or two! 

The aim of the game is to guess the smell of course, and it can be played between 2-6 people. In your box you get 48 mystery whiff cards, 4 stank cards, 4 resealable bags, 6 card holders, 1 score pad and 1 sheet of whiff strips. 

What's That Smell? Board Game

Once everyone is ready to play, each player picks a mystery whiff card, and stick is in your card holder. At this point you can decide if you want to play with or without the app that is available, it's a free download and we decided that it would be more fun to play with it. 
As you can imagine we spent a lot of this game just laughing. We laughed A LOT. Leo thinks its the best game since sliced bread and has demanded we play each weekend.

So Slime DIY Insect pack
A stocking idea that I just love is this So Slime DIY Insect pack. You mix your own slime and add in a creepy crawly for good measure! 

What's really nice about this DIY range is that kids can get really hands on, and even add confetti and things to the slime!

It's times like this that I realise I how gross boy's really are...

NERF Laser Ops Pro Alpha Point Blasters review

Leo has been into NERF for the last few years, and the lucky boy has inherited all of his older Uncles older NERF Guns from when they were children, of course this hasn't stopped him dreaming about the newer models that keep gracing our television screens in between children's shows!

The new NERF Laser Ops Pro Alpha Point Blasters come in a pack of two, and it is pretty much at home laser tag!

There is an app that you can download and use alongside the guns, or you can just pick the blasters up and go for it, which to be honest is what Leo and I have been doing. It's nice that there is an option to have an app to potentially get more out of the game, but at the same time I would rather not strap my phone to my arm and run around with it through fear of it falling out.

What I personally really love about the Alpha Point Blasters? NO FOAM BULLETS for the win!

NERF Laser Ops Pro Alpha Point Blasters review

With these particular blasters you have to actually aim, which I think is a real positive. You are aiming for the red dome on top of the other blaster, which means that you don't need to wear a special vest or top with a receiver in order to play. My main concern to start with was that you would need to have the app and be wearing the phone, as I originally thought that this would be the target, thankfully that is not the case.

I can see the other half and I having as much fun with these blasters as Leo does this Christmas...

Petlandia Review

We presented Leo with a very special book last Christmas, a book all about Lux and his adventures in Petlandia. Even 12 months later, this book is being read over and over again. I'm pretty certain that both Leo and myself know the words off by heart. Leo asks me to read this book most nights before he goes to sleep, and he has never once got tired of hearing it.

I was so pleased when I discovered that there was a second story that you can personalise, and this one is called 'Lux meets Grumpy Cat in Petlandia'.

Leo doesn't know it is here just yet, and I have personalised a little Christmas message in the front of the book. Leo believes that Father Christmas has personally made this book for him, and that of course has made it even more special to him.

I can't wait to see Leo's face on Christmas day when he opens this little gem up. 

I have no doubt that it going to be read over and over again, I can only hope that there is another version on the cards in the future!

Petlandia Review

Disclaimer: I was sent the above items for the purpose of this post. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.

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