Monday, 13 October 2014

The Art Nouveau Amber Pendant

As we begin to look forward to the festive season the mind starts to ponder the gifts that we will be purchasing for those closest to us, and let's face it the gifts we may hope to receive. With October now in full swing, the days growing colder and the nights having truly drawn in, it really is starting to feel a lot more wintry around these parts, and it is only natural that we look to fill our dark dismal days with something sparkly and beautiful.. Or is that just me?

I was recently sent a rather beautiful pendant that I have been really excited about sharing with you all. It is certainly an item that I will be making the very most of over the upcoming festive period, I expect that there will be a number of nights where I will be able to show case the Art Nouveau Amber Pendant.

The pendant is set on a Silver chain and there is no denying the varying hues of Amber that run through the stone. I have always admired Amber but never added any to my jewelry box until now, and it is defiantly a stand alone piece within my necklace collection. For me personally I usually opt for something more simple, and I can usually be found wearing my Silver finger print pendant that I had cast of Leo when he was 7 months old. This is a very special piece for me and is usually something I wear daily. The Amber Pendant will be an item that I wear for special occasions, and is going to look rather dazzling when it makes it's debut over the next couple of months. 

The pendant retails at £99.99 and would make the perfect stocking filler for that special lady in your life.. Don't you think?

I know that with each year we talk about Christmas that little bit earlier, but whether we choose to accept it or not we are officially on count down to the big day. I know that I like the idea of beginning my shopping that little bit earlier than the masses, and I would be telling porky pies if I said that I hadn't already tucked one or two things away, and over the next few weeks I intend to get a list together and beginning to strategically work my way through it.

This year I intend to be one step ahead of the game, I don't want to be sat up on Christmas Eve running around like a headless chicken. I want to be prepared, in my PJ's before 9pm and snuggled up with a good Christmas film accompanied by a rather large glass of Mulled Wine. 

When do you start Christmas shopping?

Disclaimer: I was sent the Art Nouveau Amber Pendant.for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.


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