Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Drayton's Magical Christmas Review

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas

Last weekend Leo and I spent the day at Drayton Manor for the grand opening of Magical Christmas. If you have never been along before then let me just give you a little bit of insight before I tell you all about our fabulous day!

Drayton Manor's Magical Christmas
Recapture your inner child as you bring the little ones to meet and greet Father Christmas in the Castle of Dreams (pre-booking essential), experience the Polar Express in 4D and don’t forget to stop and say hello to Rudolf, Dasher and the rest of the reindeers in our 15 acre zoo before they set off on their long trip delivering presents on Christmas Eve.

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas
Plus enjoy our festive activities, decorations and music whilst taking advantage of over 25 rides and attractions in Thomas Land that all the whole family can enjoy. 
This year, Drayton’s Magical Christmas will also include the following:
- Giant Christmas tree light show at specific times throughout the day
- Dazzling magical fireworks at the end of the day (5pm on Monday & Friday, 6pm on Weekends)
- Guaranteed snow fall three times a day in Thomas Land
- An ice skating rink – perfect for all ages to enjoy (extra charge applies - £2 to be paid on the day)
- Live Christmas shows in Thomas Land
- Christmas parade every day
- FREE Car Parking

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas
We arrived just after 12pm and made our way straight to Thomas Land where it had been completely, and magically kitted out for Christmas. Decorations... snow! Yes snow! Leo was so excited, and we decided to hop on to a few of the rides before we did anything else. 
Leo decided that on this occasion he was to scared to have a go on the troublesome trucks roller-coaster that he has actually been riding since he was 2 years old! I don't know what got into him, but we did enjoy Toby, Bertie Bus, Cranky Crane and the Jeremy Jets by Sodor Airport.

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas

It was a fiercely cold day so we decided the time had come to get a hot drink and warm up a bit before we gave ice skating a whirl. Leo absolutely adores ice skating and this year he has even decided to give it a whirl all on his own, where as last year he just didn't have the confidence. The rink at Drayton Manor is not your typical rink, it's made up of slats that seem to be even slippier than normal ice. I can say this because I can usually keep my balance... But on this occasion I had to hold onto the sides like bambi on ice!

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas

Leo looked great kitted out in his big boy skates and he handled it really well. Between us though we might as well have stayed sat on the floor, because neither of us could get to grips with it. We didn't stay on the ice to long as it was quite an effort, a fun one all the same but I couldn't stifle my giggles any longer, and then Leo hit the deck once more...

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas

Drayton Manor Magical Christmas

We made our way to the 4D cinema to watch the 15 minute Polar Express Experience and it was love at first sight. If you just go along to see this, then I say do it! Leo was transfixed, his eyes alive with the magic that was coming right out of the screen at him. The chairs moved, it snowed, when they spilled the hot chocolate water sprayed you! I even recoiled away at just how real it all was, and Leo was just in his element.

We had spent a full day at Drayton Manor's Magical Christmas and were booked in to visit with Father Christmas himself, unfortunately it was running late and we had to make our way home for plans in the evening. I definitely recommend a visit this Christmas, for the young and young at heart a like.

Christmas really is on the way, and it's so fantastic to see Leo really enjoying it and getting excited.

We both had a super day!

Disclaimer: We were invited along to Drayton Manor's Magical Christmas as one of their ambassadors in exchange for this post. All views and opinions are completely honest and my own.

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