Thursday, 25 September 2014

7 things that are Cheaper to Buy Online than in Stores

Buying things online is an option that really appeals to modern day life as it’s quick, easy and is becoming more and more secure. If you still not very convinced on the idea, or would just simply like to learn a bit more about it, we’ve come up with a list of 7 things that are cheaper (and sometimes easier) to buy online.

1. Music
Music is notoriously cheaper to buy online nowadays, with online stores like iTunes selling songs for as little as 70p, whereas a physical single in a high street store would cost you around £3.99. You can also even stream music videos for free on some applications, such as YouTube, and download playlists to listen to on your computer or phone with programs like Spotify.

2. Books
Likewise, buying books online is usually much cheaper and you can get much better deals on them. Some sites like Amazon even allow you to pre-order books that are coming out which is great as you won’t have to queue up for them on the day they come out.

3. Designer clothing
Buying clothes online can be a little touch and go, but it can be definitely worth the risk when it comes to buying designer clothes online (as long as they have a good refunds system). They’ll be significantly cheaper online and a lot of online clothes retailers (even the high end ones) offer things like discounts for new sign-ups and money off your first order, too.

4. Televisions
It’s thought that TVs online can cost 10-20% less than in the stores. Look for television suppliers that offer a good guarantee system, helpful customer service, good delivery times, real customer reviews and of course, competitive pricing to get the best deal for your money.

5. Small electrical gadgets
As well as bigger items like TVs, smaller electrical gadgets (such as cameras, coffee makers etc) are also significantly cheaper online. Look out for cheap shipping costs so that you don’t end up spending just as much on it due to shipping, however. 

6. Holidays
Booking a holiday online can feel a little stressful, but if you use a reputable site that makes things a lot simpler, it’s actually surprisingly easy. Sites like for example guide you through each part of the holiday booking process to ensure nothing is forgotten and that you get the absolute best deal for your money. It’s a good idea though to look around before booking to ensure you’re getting the best price for what you’re after.

7. Food and drink

Food and drink can be much cheaper online, but a true main advantage of opting for online shopping when it comes to the weekly groceries is that it avoids the temptation of window shopping in the store, and therefore picking up things you don’t really need. You won’t be able to browse like you would in a store so you will no doubt save a lot of cash. 

Disclaimer: This is a featured post

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