Tuesday, 10 March 2015

A Netflix Original Series: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

It’s no secret that I love a good boxset, in fact I love my television and Netflix subscription whole heartedly. When I am not having to endure Leo’s latest favourite film over and over again, I can quite happily slink into bed and plough through my current boxset addiction. When I start to watch something, I blitz it pretty quickly, everything I watch these days is almost always on demand, and when I cast my mind back to the ‘olden days’ where I would have to wait an ENTIRE week for my next fix, I wonder how I survived it.

For the last year I have been on board with Netflix as part of their #StreamTeam, it’s a role that I have felt very privileged to be awarded, and one that I thoroughly enjoy. I was so excited to discover that this role was being extended into the year ahead (Yes I may have squealed!) and the excitement didn’t stop there. Oh no! I was then invited to London to an exclusive Netflix Stream Team event, for the un-veiling of their latest Netflix Original series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

If that wasn’t enough excitement, the invite was for me and me alone. Leo was to stay at home while I was spoilt rotten and pampered in the rather swanky Soho Hotel, where cocktails and wine were on the cards from 12:00pm and massages and manicures were there to be taken advantage of. Not to mention the very attentive staff who couldn’t do enough for you, and that was before Netflix provided everyone with big foam hands to get their attention! Of course it is needless to say that I made sure I enjoyed a massage and got my nails (they were crying out for a good polish after being abandoned for many, many months!) done.

It was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make some new ones, I got to see the beautiful Charlotte from Berice Baby and even meet the wonderful Jess from Lily Pod and Sweet Pea. It was such a lovely day, and the three of us hit it off right away and spent the day enjoying the child free time and obviously had one to many cocktails, which of course made playing around with the new Selfie Sticks we had acquired a rather hilarious experience.

With the Stream Team fed and watered it was time to make our way into the screening of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, where we were to be some of the first people to enjoy the new show before it launched on Friday 6th March 2015.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt centre’s around Kimmy Schmidt, who has spent many years being locked away in a underground shelter, after being abducted by a priest who has brainwashed Kimmy and her new found Mole sisters into thinking that the apocalypse has ended the world, and that they are now the only living beings left.

The series starts with the rescue of the Mole sisters and so begins Kimmy’s journey. After being kept captive for so many years, the world is not what she remembers and she realises early on that it is going to be a struggle to find a sense of normality. The other Mole sister’s want to head backt to their home town’s but Kimmy wishes to stay in New York and make a new life for herself, she knows that going home will mean being seen as a victim, and staying in New York provides the opportunity to carve an entirely new existence for herself.

Unbrakeable Kimmy Schmidt is hilarious, and I thoroughly enjoyed each of the 3 episodes that we watched. I laughed, a lot, and so did everyone around me for that matter. The show was clever and flowed so well. Yes the scenarios are out there, but that’s part of it’s charm. Ultimately the show is about a girl who just wants to fit in and live a normal life, and who out there doesn’t want that?  Of course life has a knack of not going the way you plan for it too, and as if poor Kimmy hasn’t had enough bad luck, she is about to find out just how un-predictable life can be.

This is a series that I am thoroughly enjoying, if a show has the power to make laugh then it’s a winner in my eyes. The show is live on Netflix to stream right now, so if your looking for a new boxset to enjoy, I highly recommend giving Unbrakeable Kimmy Schmidt a try.

It’s love at the first episode! 

I had such a fantastic day with Netflix and my fellow Stream Team, it was so lovely to just sit back and have my nails done while sipping one of the very tasty cocktails, and it was nice to just have a bit of time just for me. Thank you Netflix for spoiling us all rotten and I am so excited to be on board for 2015!

Disclaimer: I was invited along to the Netflix Original Unbrakeable Kimmy Schmidt Screening as part of the #ScreenTeam. All views and opinons expressed are completely honest and my own.

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