Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Dreams come true in Tunisia - Swimming with Dolphins

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

Growing up we all have dreams, things we want to do...To see.
As we get older it's easy to push these things aside..To forget.
One dream that has always stayed with me, is to swim with Dolphins.
For one reason or another it's never happened, but the sparkle of the dream has always stayed there, very much alive.

On our recent visit to Tunisia I heard about a local company that could make it happen.

Friguia Park.

On the day of our adventure we traveled the 30 minutes or so from Hammamet to Sousse, and then it was time for an experience I have waited years for...

To meet the Dolphins!

There was a group of about 15 of us who were to swim with the Dolphins, and this group was broken down further into 3 or 4 mini groups. Each group had an instructor who kitted us all out with life jackets, pool shoes and finally talked us through exactly what we needed to do.

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

We knelt on the edge of the pool with our knees encased by the water, the instructor whistled and out of the depths emerged a grey shape, it was approaching with speed. It was Luna, the Dolphin we were going to share this once in a lifetime experience with.

Luna swam to the edge of the pool where the shelf fell away to the depth, with our hands outstretched she swam right along the edge, and it was at this moment my hands met with Luna for the very first time. It was the most surreal experience, nothing can prepare you for coming so close to a Dolphin, and getting such a privilege. They are complete powerhouses of muscle, and that was the first thing I noticed as she swept past me. 

She was smooth, soft and strong. So very strong.

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

This was just the beginning of our experience, and before I knew it Luna had her nose pressed up against my lips, the sheer strength that she had in her face was incredible. A gentle giant who was curious and mischievous, a complete beauty.

Luna soon demonstrated that she was the cheekiest out of all of the Dolphins, she played, nudged our hands and splashed us playfully with water. 

One at a time we swam out into the centre of the pool and stretched out our arms. The instructor told us that Luna was now going to swim with us, first she would swim out to us, and when she tapped our hand with her mouth we must gently place our hands on her dorsal fin.

That's exactly what she did, she swam along beneath me and then popped up! I was suddenly flying through the water at speed, completely effortlessly, almost like a feather. 

We spent a good hour with the Dolphins before we said our goodbyes. It's an experience I will hold close to me forever, they are truly beautiful and I will treasure that day for always.

Dreams can come true.

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia

Swimming with Dolphins in Tunisia


  1. What an amazing experience. We went to Tunisia but spent most of our holiday in hospital although we did go to that park, loved it! x

  2. What an awesome experience!! That's one to cross off the bucket list for sure!


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