Wednesday, 15 November 2017

A Dog Christmas List

If you had told me 2 years ago that I would have a bouncing fur baby in my life I would have probably thought you were crazy. Turns out life can move pretty quickly, and circumstances can change enough for you to actually bring home the puppy of your dreams (or is it nightmares!?), that little puppy of mine has done some serious growing up (albeit physically and not at all emotionally).

It's pretty amazing how quickly a puppy becomes part of your family, they aren't just another mouth to feed, they really are a valid member of your inner circle. Last year I didn't really make a special effort with the spotty one for Christmas (much to Leo's dismay of course), but when Christmas arrived and everyone was busy opening presents, I suddenly wished that I hadn't been such a scrooge.

Webbox Dog Christmas Treats

Leo convinced himself that Santa just hadn't bothered because Lux had been so naughty all year (and yes he actually had been that naughty.. But still!), so this year I vowed that Lux would not be left out and accepted that I had become one of those people who treated her fur baby as an actual child. 

This year as the family gathers around the Christmas Tree, this face of pure innocence, the look of butter wouldn't melt (because it would have been gobbled up before it had chance) will be opening his own christmas gifts with his teeth. 

But what do you put under the tree for a fur baby? Yup I am really asking this question.

Your Pet's Christmas sorted with Webbox

A Dog Christmas List

I have to kickstart this list with the Webbox Christmas Treats, because seriously, what a fantastic choice! If there is one thing that dog loves, it's food (yes even over his humans. He would take the sandwich right out of your hands... and he has on a many occasions!), so let's take a look at the festive treats available...

Webbox Dog Christmas Treats

- Chomping Chews with Turkey and Cranberry 

- Three Bird Roast & Turkey Kibble

- Festive Bites with Turkey and Bacon Flavour

- Doggie Deli Pack with Pork Strips, Marbled Beef Bites, Chicken Chips with Cheese and Cheese Cubes

- Festive Choc Bar for dogs

- Festive Chipolatas 

- Festive Meaty Treats Pigs in Blanket Flavour

- Christmas Pudding

- Festive Bauble

- Festive Sticks with Turkey and Cranberry 

- Reindeer Toy

- Gingerbread Man Toy

Pretty Little Paws Navy And White Check Design Dog Bandana

Webbox Dog

Aside from these rather lovely photographs of Lux with his beloved treats... They are being held back for Christmas Day. When it comes to toys, Lux like to remove heads and limbs, so to give them a fighting chance to see December 25th I have taken careful measures and removed them from sight... But seriously, what a super Christmas Selection!?

Webbox Dalmatian

Second on the list might be more for me than it is Lux... But it won't come as a surprise to regular readers of this here blog. Dalmatian's don't just shed hair, it's like an avalanche of snow every single day. It's like the hair isn't really attached to them at all, like they have a desire to be naked, because they really, really do shed every single day. 


Introducing FURminator - 'FURminator deShedding Tools can help you reduce the amount of loose hair from shedding! That means less time spent cleaning and more time to spend enjoying your pet.'  This line was enough to get my attention, it would be nice to not have to vacuum 3 times a day that is for sure! 

To find the right FURminator for your dog you need to put in some simple details about your pooch, such as weight, hair type and dog size. Once you have input these statistics it will bring up the brush for you! It's meant to reduce shedding by up to 90% on dogs that you regularly groom, so this has the potential to make a rather huge difference to Lux's coat and our furniture and carpets!

Lux is a bit of a fidget, as much as he loves a fuss he usually tries to eat any sort of brush I bring towards him, which of course makes the whole grooming process that little bit more difficult, but here is how we got on....


The FURminator has a Stainless Steel deShedding edge that reaches deep beneath Lux's short (but plentiful) topcoat to gently and effectively remove the undercoat and any loose hair. 

See, I told you this was more for me than for Lux, but in the grand scheme of things it means he is allowed more time on the sofa now I am not so paranoid about having to get the hoover out as soon as a mass of hair falls out.

And there we have it, one very spoiled spotty dog, who is going to have a rather amazing time ripping open all of his special gifts this year. I only hope that he has some compassion for the poor Reindeer and Gingebread Man! 

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