Friday 9 December 2011

A December Weekend Away

baby wrapped up warm - 6 months old

It is all go this month for my little family, and actually my entire family! You see it is a yearly occurrence for the whole extended family consisting of aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents, to go away for a long weekend, usually in the instance of a birthday.

So this weekend we are heading towards Ludlow and staying in a stately home for a few nights! I am barely un-packed from the last holiday, only to be off away again, after only getting home a week ago today.

I have to admit, the house does look very inviting and festive. We are packing a very warm attire in case the house is a bit cold, we are taking the steriliser again and of course all of Leo's essentials.

This doesn't even seem remotely daunting now after travelling abroad with Leo, I know he will do well in the car and most likely sleep the whole duration. I know Leo will enjoy all the attention that comes with going away with so many family members.

It has been manic getting everything ready to go though, there has been so much going on. My car got rushed into the MOT men yesterday for a speedy it actually ran out at the end of November. Luckily Halfords have a half price MOT available at £27.00! The cheapest MOT I have ever had! It passed thankfully, otherwise we would be stuck today!

We have been rushing around getting every ones Christmas presents sorted and then on top of that I have had all the usual bits and pieces to complete with Leo, along with all the washing from Tenerife.

We were preparing a few bits and pieces last night, so while I was running around Leo had some Daddy time. I came in with Leo's bottle and as soon as Leo saw me he started crying. I picked him up off Luke and as soon as he was in my arms....silence! Luke noticed that he had been crying for me, so I passed Leo back to Luke to see what happend....and the crying started again.

I think Leo associates me with food, I am usually the one to do most of the feeding and implementing the bed time routine. It was nice to know that I am known to him and coveted, but I couldn't help feeling for Luke a little he did look a little disappointed. How do I prevent Leo making this into a habit?

So now I must continue getting everything together so we can all make a swift exit this evening after Luke finishes work, for the hour and a half drive over towards Ludlow. This afternoon Leo and I are squeezing in some baby yoga!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


  1. Have a great weekend. Ludlow's lovely x

  2. Thanks very much :-))

    I am sure we will!

    I hope you have a lovely one also! xx


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