Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Our Christmas Tree

Christmas Time Traditions

Leo and I have been very busy recently as you would have gathered from our previous posts, but over the 12 days of Christmas we have been trying the Christmas spirit on for size! I am pleased to fits us both very well!

On the first day of Christmas we scurried around the attic and found out the Christmas Tree and all of our vast decorations we own! We set ourselves busily to work and soon had the tree up and looking as a sparkly as any Christmas Tree should! We don't use real Christmas Tree's in our house, but I don't feel that this makes a huge difference, in fact it is rather nice not to have to go on the hunt for spindles that fall off everyday!

So here is our Christmas Tree for 2011, what do you all think??

Leo is enjoying having a bright sparkly object embracing the room, he loves to stare in wonder at the fairy lights twinkling and swiping at the bottom of the tree, working out what he can grab and pull towards him. It is all a mystery and no amount of understanding will clarify anything for him, but that is all part of the magic. He will enjoy himself all the same, understanding or not.

Christmas Time Traditions

So lets see all of your Christmas Tree's!!

As I mentioned back in my post about Cristmas Time Traditions, we have got some extra special tree decorations this year...just for Leo. A special one personalised with Leo's name and another that will eventually have a picture of Leo pride of place, taken on his first Christmas!

Christmas Time Traditions

Christmas Time Traditions

Do any of you have any special baby tree decorations?

I think we are about ready for the big day now and it is fastly approaching! I have finished off the rest of my Christmas shopping and I am currently sat writing this post by the Christmas Tree, while the lights sparkle and Leo is playing happily under his play gym. Are you all ready for the big day?

This year I treated myself and Luke to Thorntons Advent Calender's, there was a 3 for 2 deal running at the time and I thought it would be nice to put Leo's name on the third calendar....and eat it myself! So yes dear readers....I am eating two calender's! Only for this year I hasten to next year...Leo will be able to eat his own!

Christmas Time Traditions

This Saturday we have booked tickets to go on the Santa Express from Toddington to Cheltenham Race Course, I cannot wait to get a snap of Leo with the man in red himself! For now though I must get on with wrapping all of Leo's presents and getting them hidden out of sight, ready to sneak under the tree on Christmas Eve, ready for Leo to attempt to open (with a lot of help from me!)


  1. Lovely decorations and a very good idea! It will be a very nice memory indeed! I might copy it if I get a chance or if not maybe next year. Lovely to discover your blog as well.
    Ps:why don't you link your traditions post on my blog? Xx

  2. I am glad you like the decoration idea :-)

    I would love to link our tradition posts together. I am just putting Leo down and will add a link up to yours shortly!

    Lovely to talk to you! Xx


I love hearing your thoughts, so please feel free to leave me a comment :)