Sunday, 18 May 2014

The Day That Review & Giveaway

Every once in a while we live a day that we never want to forget. A day that comes around and changes the rest of our lives forever, a day that brings a smile to our face and makes your stomach somersault. 

The Day That are a unique special gifts company that have been capturing the dawn of each new day since 2005. They have dedicated photographers that capture the start of each day over the sea, and having had a look at a variety of the different images and days on their website, the locations they choose are truly stunning. 

Everyone has a special day close to their hearts, a day that brings a tear to your eye as you remember all that that one day brought to you. 

When I think of my special day, that one day that will forever be emblazoned in my heart and soul for as long as I live, I think of the day that Leo arrived into the world. Somehow 3 years has almost come to pass since he changed my world forever, but I still have such a clear recollection of what that day was like...

Leo was due to arrive on July 4th 2011, but he decided that he wasn't hanging around, typical Leo to this day! One week exactly before my due date, June 27th 2011 I met my little man for the very first time. I had been up ALL night as there really was no getting comfortable, the day before had been scorching and my ankles had decided to respond to the heat by swelling up like balloons. So with the sunrise of the 27th I was pleased to see that it was a more over cast day, and as the day progressed, so did my labour... The clouds hung around and I got into my birthing pool, I really was pleased that I didn't have to pop out a baby and contend with the heat.

Within a few hours I had my beautiful boy in my arms for the very first time, it was such a surreal moment and I had to keep on pinching myself. I couldn't quite get my head around the fact that I was now a Mummy, that 9 months had passed by in such a flash and that he was now here! I can remember thinking even when I was in the throws of labour that it didn't seem real, that I couldn't possibly be having a baby TODAY. It is amazing how having a baby makes the mind work on over time, it took me to the point of no return to shout 'I want an epidural now!' when I knew really that it wasn't going to happen and in the next breath I was thinking 'If I just keep going it will be over and I will have my baby in my arms'. 

So that is exactly what I did, and within 15 minutes Leo had arrived in the world. 

That very first day of Leo's life is a day I hold closely to my heart, just thinking about our magical experience, meeting my beautiful boy and spending those very early hours with him were such precious moments. Watching Leo get the hiccups for the very first time, watching his eyes blink open for a few moments and counting his ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. 

I sent Luke out to buy a selection of newspapers from the day that he arrived in the world, I thought that they would make a fantastic keep sake to go in his memory box. We have been adding to Leo's memory box as the years have rolled by, and now here we are with an almost 3 year old.

The Day That have captured the sunrise of the day that my little man was making his way into the world. The photograph sums up my memories of the day beautifully, and while this photograph was being taken I was pacing the house and ringing up the hospital to try and convince them that I was ready to be admitted! 

I cannot think of a more beautiful way to capture such a life changing moment. The one photograph captures such a special moment, it's the day I became a parent, the day I became a Mummy for the very first time. Just looking at this image and all that it represents makes me smile, as the day breaks I was just hours away from meeting my little boy, from kissing his tiny head and holding him close. 

The Day That offer a number of different ways for you to enjoy such a special photograph, and you can pick any day dating back to 2005. Each date has a number of different shots available so you are able to choose the photograph that you love the most. My photograph is a classic sized print framed within Birch, and I think it looks truly special. It is hung pride of place on our living room wall, and when we eventually move house I will be having it hung right above our bed.

There are a number of different options for how you want to display your The Day That Photograph:

Everyone I have spoken to and shown this image has fallen in love with the idea, who wouldn't want to remember such a special day? Be it the day of a new life entering the world, the day of a wedding or special anniversary? We all have these special days that we hold close to our hearts.

Prices vary depending upon which presentation option you choose, but you can pick up a digital print for £35.00 which I think is very reasonable. If you decided to go for the Classic Framed option like the one have fallen in love with, this retails for £130.00. Again I think this is very reasonable, it's a truly beautiful image, framed and has a hand written caption reading 'Leo's First Day - 27th June 2011'.

The Day That have very kindly provided me with a unique discount code for all of my readers. If you are looking to purchase a very personal gift for someone close to you (Father's Day is coming up...) why not take advantage of the 10% off you can receive with this code at the checkout: theworkingmum10 - Just enter this code and you will receive 10% off your order! 

Along with this super discount, I am really excited to be bringing you an exclusive giveaway to win a The Day That photograph of your special day worth £130.00! You will be able to pick the day that is most special to you, a day that you want to be reminded of whenever you look at that photo. You will be able to pick the colour of your frame and have it personalised with the caption of your choosing. 

How to enter:

All you have to do to be in with a chance of entering is fill in the Rafflecopter entry form below!

There is only one required option, and all you have to do is go over to The Day That and have a look at your special date, then simply leave a comment below telling me how many photos were taken on your special date! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck and I look forward to reading about your special days!

Win competitions at - See more at:


  1. What an amazing idea, I love this :)

  2. this is amaxing idea i love it.x

  3. 13 photos on our special day.

  4. 16 photos of the dawn of our wedding day x

  5. There were eight photographs when my eldest came into the world :) x

  6. Very happy to be an owner of one of these gorgeous pictures from the day our youngest was born :-)

  7. 11 photos were taken on this day and they are amazing x

  8. 14 pictures on the 8th July 1013 our wedding day

  9. 5 photos on the day our son was born 27th june 2007

  10. 7 on our special day, our wedding day :)
    Stacey guilliatt

  11. There were 13 taken on the day of our 20th wedding anniversary.

  12. Three pics on my wedding day :-)

  13. there was 12 pics taken on my 10 year anniversary 31st August 2012

  14. 12 pictures taken on our wedding day - 05.04.12

  15. 12 photos taken on our wedding day - 05/04/12

  16. There are 9 pics for the date my daughter was born

  17. There are 15 photos of our special day :)

  18. theres 13 absolutely beautiful photos on 29th sept 2012

  19. Only 2 for the day i had my son. It was 2005 so, i think, they were just starting to do them.

  20. 8 photos, but all wonderful

  21. Only a few from when my daughter was born. But a beautiful 14 of our most special day after she had saved my life and i had beaten cancer, we had some specially taken that are truly lovely.

  22. what an amazing idea, love this :)

  23. 11 photos on September 17th 2012, our little boys birthday

  24. 8 Photo's on the day i met my fiance - 16th August 2007

  25. 11 photos on mine and my fiancés special day (4th June 2011)

  26. Nicola Giacomelli15 June 2014 at 22:24

    13 photos on the day my son was born. 26th Oct 2013.
    He is my sunshine

  27. about 30 on my daughters graduation

  28. Pam Francis Gregory16 June 2014 at 14:28

    13 on my special day

  29. 15 photos on 12 June 2012, the day I met my partner

  30. 9 photos on the day my grandson was born

  31. 11 photos on the 24/02/2014, the day my youngest daughter was born :)

  32. 8 pics on 22/07/13 - My most special day

  33. There were 9 images taken for 39/11/2010

  34. Elizabeth Williams17 June 2014 at 20:13

    6 photos



I love hearing your thoughts, so please feel free to leave me a comment :)