Monday, 19 May 2014

The Infant Colic Support Centre

Thinking back to Leo’s early baby days always brings a smile to my face. You really do forget how small they were, it was only when I was sorting Leo’s old clothes into size order in preparation for our house move, I realised what a little dot he had been. Leo was only a week early but he didn’t fit in the average new-born baby clothes, and we had to nip out and buy early baby clothes! And there was me worrying that he was going to be a whopper!

When you think back you really do remember all of the best bits, you skirt over the night feeds and the early mornings. You push all of those bits to the very back of your mind and just bask in the glow of how magical new baby’s really are.

We were lucky in the respect that Leo was a good sleeper and aside from his Reflux and projectile vomiting after a feed… We really did get away lightly. My nephew suffered with Colic and this really affected him, he would get himself into such a state and would cry his little heart out. We found that it was usually worse in the late afternoon or evenings and would worsen after a feed.

Colic can be a daunting aspect as a parent, especially being a first time parent. The thoughts pass through your mind ‘Why is my baby screaming?’ ‘What am I doing wrong?’ and in the middle of the night it can feel like you are facing the battle alone. That is why Infacol have launched the Infant Colic Support Centre, a safe haven that is available to parent’s 24/7. A resource or a shining beacon to help rest your mind offer support when you need it most, anytime, anywhere.

Infacol’s midwife Nikki Khan is on hand to answer any of your colic related questions. Anything related to colic you can pose to the support centre, and you will find your answer. All you have to do in order to get started is type your question into the designated box on the site, or select a pre written question from the drop down list. If you cannot find the answer to your question you can even send them an email, so one way or another you will find the answers you seek. The beauty of this resource is that it it’s available to you no matter what the time is.

Everything always seems so much worse at night when you are tired and up with a screaming baby, who cannot tell you what is wrong with them. It is nice to know that you are not alone during those dark hours, and that other people have been through it too.

I think the Colic Support Centre is a fantastic idea as it is so accessible for parents. These days we all have a smart phone or tablet that is within easy reach. When Leo was little I would have my iPhone on hand to catch up on reading blog posts, or hitting up Google with all of my new Mummy related questions.

What do you think of the new Colic Support Centre?

Disclaimer: I was sent a Infacol Goodie Bag in exchange for this post. All views and opinons are completely honest and my own.

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