Thursday, 24 July 2014

A Healthier Me - 6 Weeks In

I am now 6 weeks into my new found ways. I have pushed the temptation of takeaway far, far away and have been attending the gym on a regular basis. In 6 weeks I feel like I have come a long way, my appetite has changed, and I seem to get full on smaller portions of food, not to mention that I have barely touched a single piece of chocolate!

In the last few weeks my weight loss seems to have plateaued, I reached 9 stone 1lbs and that is exactly where I stayed for the next 12 days. I put this down to being more active in the gym and potentially building up muscle which would mask my actual weight loss. I do need to start taking measurements so that I can have a better idea of my achievements week by week.

Last Friday I finally lost that pesky pound that had been hanging around, and I found myself at exactly 9 stone. I felt happier about this than I had about the entire weight loss so far, it felt like I was reaching my first milestone, and it felt like I had to work so much harder to achieve it. 

This week has seen me rejoicing some more, in my 6th week I have now lost 12lbs exactly, bringing my weight in at 8 stone (Yes 8!) and 13lbs! I may have actually beamed from ear to ear when I saw the scales displaying these numbers, in fact I had to triple check just to make sure!

Phsically I am still not seeing any changes, but I guess as these things happen so gradually over time, I won't notice anything until I look back over the next few months.

With my new found motivation I am really excited about the months ahead, I am feeling energetic and incredibly motivated. 

As I have decided to share my weight loss journey I thought that it would be great to share my experiences as I go. I will be talking more in the weeks ahead about how I am getting on and how I am achieving each milestone. I look forward to using the Fitbug Orb to help me push forward and track my goals. I have a few fitness treats arriving over the coming week, and I will be providing full reviews on each of the products. 

One of the products I am especially excited about is the Brabantia Body Analysis Scales, they offer a whole range of statistics that the average bathroom scales don't. Having only used the average scales we currently own I did feel like I was missing a trick, I can view an accurate measurment of my BMI, weight, body fat, water and muscle percentages. I can even set up a personal profile with my age, gender and height that enables me to keep track of my progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura, well done again (lol have I said that enough). Is this the start of your journey on the blog? I would love to know more about what it was that you did to start you off - as getting motivated is what most people find the hardest I think.


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