Friday, 4 July 2014

#NetflixStreamTeam - May

Leo and I are big animal lovers, we often take visits to our local farm park and are busy planning a few trips to the zoo over the summer months. Over the month of May Netflix were encouraging us to celebrate the animals in our lives and provided a fantastic selection of animal content to help us all out.

Among the selection of titles that really stood out to Leo and I, Babar and of course the Animal Train were big hits. I even managed to persuade Leo to watch Beethoven's Big Break, which he loved even if he did protest a little before relenting!

One aspect that I have been doing of late is reviewing the titles on the Netflix App that I have been watching. This helps them show me more relevant shows that Leo and I may like, and now that Leo is using the Samsung Kids Tab 3, I have even created him his very own user area on Netflix and this has pleased him no end!

How to make a Dog sandwich

You will need
2 x slices of wholemeal bread
1 x wholemeal pita or 1 x slice of wholemeal crust
Your favourite sandwich filling
Cream cheese (optional)


1. Make a sandwich using two slices of wholemeal bread and your favourite filling

2. Using a sharp knife, cut out a shape that resembles a pear or light bulb (wide and round at one end and narrower and rounded at the other)
3. Using either pitta bread or the slice of a crust, cut two teardrop shapes and then tuck these inside the sandwich so that the rounded section is at the top and the point is downwards
4. To make the nose, cut a slice of cucumber skin and then shape it into a round edged triangle and put it in place
5. For the eyes, take a slice of cheese and using a circular cutter (small cookie cutter), cut two oval eye shapes. Cut some more cucumber skin and using an apple corer or very small circle cutter, make two pupils from the cucumber skin and place on top of the cheese ovals
6. To finish, cut some small curves of cucumber skin using a round cutter and place above the eyes. To give the eyes and nose a more lifelike appearance, use a tiny dot of cream cheese to highlight these

How to make a Rabbit sandwich
You will need
3 x slices of 50/50 white bread
½ a slice of wholemeal bread
Sandwich filling
Slice of ham
Black grapes
Red pepper or cherry tomato
6 x pieces of dry spaghetti

1. Make a sandwich using two slices of bread and your favourite filling

2. Cut the shape of the Rabbit head as shown in the picture (rounded at the top, with a wider section for the cheeks, narrowing to a thin neck)
3. To make the ears, cut the third slice of white bread into two long oval shapes pointed at one end, and top these with two ovals of ham slightly smaller than the ears, leaving an edge around the outside
4. Using the wholemeal bread cut two small oval shapes slightly pointed at one end and place these together on top of the bread so that the tips touch. Top this with a small circle of either red pepper or cherry tomato for the nose, cut using a small circle cutter
5. For the eyes, cut a slice of cucumber lengthways and remove the skin. Using the cucumber flesh, cut two long oval shapes and top these with half a black grape for the pupils
6. Finish your Rabbit with some teeth made from a rectangle of cucumber with a v-shape cut up the middle. Using the spaghetti poke it into the wholemeal bread nose and snap off to your desired length. Don’t forget to remove the spaghetti before eating the sandwich.
Disclaimer: I was sent everything I needed to get started watching Netflix for the next 12 months. I have not been paid to write this post. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.

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