Saturday, 31 October 2015

War of the Worlds Firework Spectacular at Drayton Manor Theme Park

Earlier this year I became a brand ambassador for Drayton Manor Theme Park, and it's a role that I absolutely adore. We live about 50 minutes from the park and the Tamworth area so it really is just on our door step. For Leo and I it really is the perfect day out, the commute is easy, the park is the perfect size and offers plenty for us to do, but not so much that we feel over whelmed and can't fit everything in. 

I last took Leo back in the Summer holiday's just before he started school, we had the best day. We explored the recently opened Thomas Land Expansion and went on our favourite roller-coaster - Troublesome Trucks. Of course no trip to Thomas Land would be complete without a ride on Thomas the Tank himself, so of course we made time for that! 

On Friday I had the exciting task of going along to Drayton Manor to help them celebrate their 65th anniversary! Can you believe that they have been going that long!? I have fond memories of going to Drayton Manor with my family as a child, and I love that Leo is going to have those same memories. 

They really did pull out all of the stops for this celebration, no expense was spared, I have to say that the end result was just INCREDIBLE, and they most definitely ended the season with a big BANG! 

The park invited guests to the lakeside after dark where we were all dazzled (and blown away) by a fantastic fireworks display set the Jeff Wayne's multi million pound selling musical version of War of the Worlds. 

I had high hopes for this firework display before it even commenced, and I am pleased to report that it lived up to and exceeded expectations. The fireworks lit up the night sky, and there was glitter in every direction. There were some fireworks that just seemed to sparkle and glitter long after the big bang, and they were truly beautiful. The War of the Worlds soundtrack was timed perfectly and it was just the perfect backdrop to the display. 

The fireworks weren't the only attraction though, oh no! Drayton Manor had brought out an exciting array of props, and really pulled out the big guns for this special occasion. War of the Wolds was brought to life right before our eyes with moving images appearing in a dome over the lake. I saw aliens, space ships... and martian lands. 

This display really was out of this world, it was absolutely fantastic and Drayton Manor definitely celebrated 65 years in style. If this incredible display wasn't enough, the park kept the rides open until 9pm that night and each night that the display was on (30th October - 1st November).

Congratulations Drayton Manor, and here's to another 65 years! 

Leo and I will be back at the park in November for their Magical Christmas event, and we are both very excited to get in the festive spirit! 

Disclaimer: I was invited along to the show but all thoughts and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.

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