Monday, 1 July 2019

First Trimester - 4 Weeks Pregnancy Update

First Trimester - 4 Weeks Pregnancy Update

At 4 weeks the baby is STILL about the size of a Poppy Seed!

I seem to have really confused myself with this whole dating thing and how far gone I am, I know when I ovulated and the week I would have conceived, but the early reassurance scan has baffled me. I have to wait until this Friday to go back to Peek-a-baby in birmingham to get a more solid due date!

This 2 week wait has been driving me nutty.

How am I feeling?

I’ve had days this week where I’ve been feeling a little queasy still, but no real morning sickness and not once have I actually been sick. 

I have lost my usual ravenous appetite though, I get full really quickly (and this actually infuriates me! Haha!). I’ve gone off foods I normally love, and for the last 2 weeks I haven’t been enjoying my usual favourite breakfast of Greek Yoghurt, honey and flaked almonds!

I don’t remember losing my appetite while I was pregnant with Leo, I’m hoping this doesn’t last long term as I do truly love my food. I have found the foods that I am craving to eat are far from the healthy foods I normally bestow upon my body. I cooked a stir fry up for the family this week, and all I could do was push it around my plate. I didn’t enjoy it one little bit...

I may have thrown it in the bin and found myself at the McDonald’s drive through... again... this is a relationship I need to break up with sooner rather than later!

As for my tummy, I’ve done a real number on losing my tone and abs over the last few weeks. I know it’s the meal choices I have been making and not that baby is starting to show, so I really need to clean my eating back up and get back on the fitness train. Although that is hard when the idea of vegetables isn’t hitting the spot in the same way as it did before I fell pregnant!

Baby Brain Strikes AGAIN

It was Leo’s birthday on the 27th, and the night before we all went to Mr Mulligan’s Crazy Golf in Cheltenham. We decided to get some drinks to go around the course with, I asked the bar lady for 2 pints of soda and lime, she asked if I wanted some cloudy apple (which I assumed was just an alternative to the lime juice!). I was surprised when it cost me £10 for 2 drinks.... and even more surprised when I took a big gulp to discover I had in fact been given cider!

I sent Luke back to the bar to explain that I didn’t want cider, I wanted a soda and lime! Thankfully he returned with said soda and lime... but how on earth do you upgrade someone’s soda and lime to a cider!? 

I’ve continued to feel very sleepy at the end of each day this week, I’ve been getting my head down much earlier than I would ordinarily, but I seem to have surpassed the stage where I feel the need to wake up early now! Today is Sunday and I slept in until just after 8:30, which is so much later than the 6am it was the other week!

First Trimester - 4 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Who Knows About The Pregnancy?

We  decided to tell our families about little Pop today (Sunday 30th June), Leo’s t-shirt had arrived and it’s brilliant! 

We wanted to tell them even though we’re now a little confused on how far gone we are.... but this secret is something I am struggling to keep in now! 

We made our way over to Luke’s Dad’s and shared the news there first, both Grandparents were very pleased. Then we made the way to my parents house and Leo worked his magic there too.

Most people worked the t-shirt out straight away, but my Dad needed a little help deciphering the code!

There was a lot of excitement, Aunties, Uncles and Grandparents are looking forward to the new arrival in February (Although this is now looking more like a March 2020 due date!), and everyone is secretly hoping for a baby girl!

My sister Alice and Sister-in-law Carla both want to be in charge of organising a gender reveal. It’s not something I thought we would ever do.... but Luke and I think that it’s actually a really lovely idea, and what a lovely family moment to have in the years to come!

Leo had already let our little secret slip slightly on his birthday, I did chuckle. He was swinging on the swing at my parents house, I happened to comment what a good swinger he was these days. Leo replied ‘yes! I will have to teach the baby!’

My dad who was sat next to me on the patio didn’t blink an eyelid, I’m still not sure whether he heard or not, or if it went straight over his head... or maybe he heard and chose to ignore it until we told them!? Who knows! As it turns out... my Dad was completely oblivious to it! 

Good old Dad!

Leo threw his hand over his mouth, we both chuckled. He’s done so well keeping this secret (we told him on the 4th June, so he has known for weeks!), and he’s just so excited, he wants to talk about the baby (and this just makes my heart boom, he is so in love already!).

Leo ran over and demanded to talk to me in the house, he just wanted to say sorry and tell me it was an accident. Of course he would never be in any trouble for that.

Right now though I am off to buy one final Clear Blue Digital test.... I know I have a real problem, but seeing them turn positive just gives me a little reassurance. 

It still doesn’t feel real. 

Typically I did the test and it was the second one to come up invalid! I don’t know what I’ve done wrong these last attempts but it’s annoyed me immensely! 

Thankfully I got my hands on some more One Step internet cheapies! So that’s put me back in business!

Of course they are all positive!

First Trimester - 4 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Here’s a little over view of 4 Weeks Pregnant...

Achey boobs, fatigue (always ready for a sleep day these days!), slightly queasy (every now and then) still peeing multiple times, baby brain is in full swing!

Something is happening, whether or not it is just because of the not so great food choices I have made... time will tell! But I feel really bloaty now and my tummy is far from flat at this point!

HAHA! Exercise? What is this exercise you speak of!? Nope none of that has been completed this week.... 

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