Thursday, 13 December 2012

Our First Family Christmas Tree

I love Christmas, I always have.

This time of year is as magical as it comes, the dreams of young children knowing that old Saint Nick will soon be on his way, the decorations and all of the fairy lights have the power to turn the greenest Grinch into Father Christmas.

For me this time of year has become even more magical since Leo's arrival and it has made me want to make everything perfect, and that applies to our first family Christmas Tree.

We moved into our first family home only last month, we were not prepared for absolutely anything let alone Christmas! Luckily Leo's Uncle supplied us with a tree, and we did what we could to get the tree dressed for the festive season, but although we had a few fairy lights it still looked a little bare and needed some more sparkly lights.

Notcutts have a lovely Christmas range, from Christmas Trees through to lights and festive illuminations, and they have very kindly sent us a box of 200 White Chaser Lights to add to our very first Christmas Tree.

These lights have really completed the look of our tree, giving off a really bright glow and really setting the atmosphere with the multi function control box. It is safe to say we have all welcomed the excitement that comes with the Christmas spirit, and are all ready for the big day! 

Well our tree is anyway!

The lights can be used for indoor and outdoor use, so maybe next year they may graduate into the garden to brighten up the shrubbery for Santa Claus's arrival, after all we don't want him to miss the house!

So this is our very first Christmas Tree in our very first family home and I have to say that it looks great. All we need now is for Santa to drop down our chimney and leave Leo some Christmas presents!

Disclaimer: I was sent the Chaser Lights to share my opinion with you. All opinions expressed are completely honest and my own and we really do love how they have made the tree look.

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