Sunday, 2 December 2012

Tractor Ted

Farming to children is just exciting, I can remember as a child pestering my parent’s to sell the family house and buy a farm so that I could have all sorts of exciting pets. Of course…They never did sell the house and surprisingly…They never bought a farm either. But as a child there was something about playing outside, donning the wellington boots and running a muck, all adventures that I am sure Leo is going to revel in too.

I am thinking about all things farm related today as Leo has very recently been sent some Tractor Ted goodies. Tractor Ted is an animated tractor from Tractor Land who comes to life on number of DVD adventures and not only does Ted have a great selection of DVDs, he has has his own clothing line, books and toys.

My lucky little man has been sent two DVDs, a really lovely hoody and two books to enjoy, and he most certainly has been making use of them.

We have been watching Tractor Ted in Springtime and Tractor Ted Big Machines over the last week, and both of these are programmes we have never watched before. As soon as I hit play and Leo saw Ted roll onto the screen there was no looking back. Leo absolutely loved watching Ted on his adventures and he especially loved the Springtime DVD the most because of all the animals that it highlighted.

What is great about these DVDs is that Ted takes your kid’s on a visual adventure around a farm, it’s educational and I have to say is actually a relief from some of the other programmes I have had to endure watching since having Leo. Even Luke came in and sat down, enquiring as to what we were watching, before staying for the rest of the programme.

In Tractor Ted Big Machines, Ted visits an arable farm where we all get to see many of the biggest farm machines hard at work. All of Ted’s adventures take place out and about, they are all real working locations and I feel that they offer a real substance to toddlers and children.

Each of the DVDs retail at £9.99 each but if you buy 2 DVDs you can pick up the third for half price.

I know that Leo’s favourite Tractor Ted treat was the DVDs but for me, I have to say that I was really impressed with the hoody that we received. It is a really lovely deep Red colouring and is really thick (perfect for this cold winter weather) It features ‘Tractor Ted’ embroidered on the front and is just overly a fantastic piece of clothing.

We have this hoody in size 2-3 years and although the arms are a little long, it is a great fit. I am simply rolling the arms up a little so that he can get his hands through.

The hoody retails at £24.00 which I think is really reasonable as this is set to provide lot’s of wear for Leo over the next few years.

I have been really impressed with the Tractor Ted range and if you would like more information on the products available then head right on over to their website.

Disclaimer: I was sent the Tractor Ted merchandise for the purpose of this feature, however all views and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.

1 comment:

  1. A lovely range of books. One day you will have to come and meet Our real life Tractor Ted here on Coombe Mill Farm.


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