Monday, 19 August 2013

Toddler Shoes

It has been a year now since Leo decided to stand up and take those very first wobbly steps. I still find it so surreal that the little baby I brought home from hospital a little over 2 years ago is now a walking, talking little monster.

One thing I have always struggled with since Leo decided to get all grown up on me is finding shoes to fit his rather large feet. Right from his very first fitting this has always been a challenge, and in those early days I wanted nothing but Clarks shoes touching his precious little feet. We very rarely put shoes on Leo as a teeny tiny baby because I really couldn't see the point in doing so, and his very first pair of shoes came along just after he started to walk. 

I can remember Leo wondering what on earth was on his feet and it did take him a little while to get used to wearing shoes when we were out and about, but picking a pair that fitted him perfectly and were comfortable for him made all the difference. 

I still go to Clarks today to get Leo's feet measured, we still really struggle to find shoes that are in his size and usually either have to pick a design that we wouldn't have other wise chosen just because that is the only size they have for him, or go elsewhere. 

I have recently discovered that I can order Clarks shoes through John Lewis after I have been in and got Leo's feet measured, they have so much more choice than we are used to getting in store!

Having this extra choice online makes so much difference to us as we can actually pick a design that we WANT, not just because that is all they have... I really wish I had got online sooner rather than later and put an end to all of our shoe hunt missions. I cannot even begin to describe how I have struggled to find Leo a pair of sandals this summer, I have been into every shop on the high street and not managed to find a single pair in Leo's size. 

I should have thought to hop online and have a look, but the impatient person inside of me wanted the old fashioned experience of actually going into a shop.. Needs must though, and until Leo's feet decide to even out a little bit then we will be found doing all of his shoe shopping online.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post

1 comment:

  1. Leo is so cute and he looks so adorable on the video. We all get excited as soon as our babies start walking and we always have this store in mind. Well, you still got him his first pair. Good luck on your next hunt for Leo's shoes.



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