Monday, 9 June 2014

15 Days In Pants

15 days have flown by, and now Leo has spent 2 weeks and an entire day in big boy pants. All of a sudden Leo is really taking to his new responsibility, and is relishing the praise and treats he gets when he uses the potty. 

Leo has even managed to get to the potty in time for a number 2! Of course he waited until I was at work to demonstrate this latest trick. Last Wednesday I got a text telling me the big news, and I was suprisingly proud to hear what my not so little baby had done!

We are entering a phase where Leo is quite happily telling us when he wants to use the potty, and today he has made it an entire day with almost no accidents. This morning Leo was dressed as usual, in place of the nappy that he has always worn until recent weeks, he donned his pants. Being Monday Leo was off to Nursery, and this would be the second occasion that he has worn pants. Last Monday Leo went and had multiple accidents as he was so engrossed in his play. Today Leo went along and did ever so well. Leo stayed dry the entire time, he told the Nursery staff each time he needed to go, and when Granny went along to pick him up they were full of praise.

The dry spell continued all day, I got home from work at 5pm and Leo was still in the same pants he had been wearing that morning. It was only when Granny and I took him out in the car, and Leo fell asleep for a short time and he woke up disorientated that we had an accident. It didn't happen while he was asleep though, it was just after we had got back into the house. Leo was sad about his accident but we soon managed to cheer him up. 

15 days in pants has been a experience for both of us, but I think it is now starting to become easier. We can go out further a field and we just have to make sure that we have a potty close to hand. When we took Leo into town last week, we just put a potty in the basket of the pushchair. We took him to the toilets and he even sat in the boot of Granny's car!

We are getting through stickers like they are going out of fashion, which of course is a good sign. I am so pleased that we are getting the potty training ball rolling before Leo's 3rd Birthday this month!

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