Thursday, 2 August 2012

The Action Growing Baby Seat Review

Leo is such an active little man, he loves adventures and the great outdoors. Even in the day's where he could only crawl around the garden he adored being outside. So now he can walk he want's to be out there rain or shine...

This means I am always on the look out for new ways to keep my little explorer entertained out in the garden. Looking for exciting ways for my little monkey to enjoy himself and make the most of his surroundings. 

I recently came across a company who specialise in great outdoor toy's, from climbing frames to wavy slides and high flying swing sets. Garden Climbing Frames has a wide range of equipment to cater for the adventurer that lives in all of us. 

Garden Climbing Frames was established back in 2003, and over the years they have built up a treasure trove of experience, meaning they can provide their professional opinion on anything you are considering to bestow upon your garden. 

Their website is beautifully presented, and really gives you a insight as to what the company is all about. There are cheeky looking monkey's hanging from the trees and instances of the great outdoors at every corner. If you cannot find the climbing frame of your dreams on their site, then you can always design your very own!

There are so many different climbing frames that even make my mouth drop to the floor, they really are what make your garden the place of your child's wildest dreams.

Leo has been sent the Action - Growing Up Baby Swing Seat to trial. He absolutely loves swings and although we have a swing frame in the garden, up until today we had no baby seat for Leo to take to the skies in. So as soon as I arrived home from work, Leo and I peeked into the parcel that had been delivered a little earlier....

Inside in all it's glory was Leo's new swing seat. The seat is so bright and colourful, full of vibrant Red, Yellow and Blue, instantly drawing Leo's attention towards it. I was itching to get it all set up so that Leo could have a go.

I had to wait for his Daddy to arrive home and take on the task of putting it together for me but Leo was very persistent. He began trying to sit into the seat. I assisted him into the strong plastic seat and strapped him in securely with the safety strap provided. I instructed his Granny to hold one of the ropes, while I took the other and we began swinging Leo back and forth. Leo was laughing and smiling as he tore through the air in the hall way, and it was at that moment his Daddy arrived home!

Leo was not impressed upon being removed from his new swing seat, but he needed to vacate so that Daddy could get the swing set up for him!

Luke got the swing put up on our existing frame with no problems at all. The seat stood out with it's bright colours against the greenery of the garden, and as soon as Leo saw the swing stood there, waiting for him... he put on his quickest toddle in order to reach it. I placed him back into his shiny new swing and pushed him high into the sky.

The same smiles and giggles returned as he enjoyed his latest outdoor adventure.

The Action Growing Up Swing grows with the baby, which is great as you only need the one seat for all ages. It composes Three detachable plastic parts which can be added and removed depending on your child's age and ability. The seat offers great value for money at £49.99, for a swing that is set to last your little one for a considerable time period and provide much enjoyment as they fly through the sky.

Swing Specifications

- Extrusion Blow moulded HDPE with safety strap
- Switches between a Baby Seat and Swing
- Suitable for ages up to 36 months 

The swing can be attached to any Action Climbing Frame or any wooden climbing frame.

I highly recommend that you pay Garden Climbing Frames a visit, you will surely feel your inner child trying to come out and play. In fact I will be hosting a very exciting competition in the coming days and you will be very impressed with the prize up for grabs.

I will not go into too much detail just yet...As I want to let your imaginations run wild. But I will say that it is one not to be missed!

For up to date information, make sure you are following Garden Climbing Frame's on Twitter and that you have liked them on Facebook.

What do Leo and I think?

Judging by Leo's smiles and chuckles, he is besotted with his new swing, and I was impressed with how safe and secure it is. I love that I can strap Leo in safely, and that it all feels so sturdy. 

In fact you can see exactly what Leo and I think in the video below!


I love hearing your thoughts, so please feel free to leave me a comment :)