Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Slugs & Snails - Tights for Boys!

I am sure every mother with a baby boy has come to the realisation, that there is never much choice or varierty in the clothes available to them, and more often than not they are not very exciting.

I had never noticed this fact before becoming pregnant with Leo, but upon finding out I was team blue, it all became very apparent that stores cater for girls rather than boys. If you are looking for a little tutu for your pink flavour then you are sure to find one... but if you are looking for a adorable little outfit other then jeans for your little boy...good luck to you!

I recently came accross Slugs & Snails a company that designs tights specifically for BOYS! When I came accross this, I have to admit it put a smile on my face! Kat has found a gap in the market, filled it and run with it, no-one else does what she does, and I know how hard she has worked to make this happen.

Here are my two favourite designs that I am going to be ordering for my lovely Leo. He is going to look amazing in them! They are snug and warm...perfect for the on-coming winter months! With the days getting colder I am looking for new and innovative ways to keep him toasty warm!

Slugs and Snails Boy Tights

I am so glad Kat has brought us these fabulous tights for our boys and I cannot wait to get Leo in a pair to parade around in!

So head over to and check out the rest of the range and show Kat some appreciation for the hard work she has put in, bringing us these brilliant ways for us to keep are bubbas toasty warm this winter!

You can also follow Kat on Twitter @slugsandsnails0


  1. Where are these tights made?

  2. Hi Janey, sorry I am just getting back to you. The tights are manufactured in Turkey. I hope this helps xx


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