Tuesday, 12 March 2013

'Yeah' Is the Word!

Leo has always been particularly good at saying 'no'

He could shake his head to tell us he didn't want what we had to offer before he even said his first word.

He has never been particulary good at saying 'yes' for anything. 

Except chocolate of course! 

These days I can ask Leo any number of questions...

'Are you Mummy's friend'?
'Is Daddy Silly'?
'Do you love Mummy'?

And Leo will say 'Yeah'

Clear as day.

He just melts my heart as he is such a scrummy little human!

Of course there are a few questions that still get the usual 'no' and shake of a head...

'Have you done a poo'? always gets the usual head bob. He very rarely owns up to the fact that he actually has. 

I asked Leo this afternoon during my lunch break whether I should go back to work or not, and he suddenly shook his head and gave me the biggest cuddle. When it came to me telling him it was time for me to leave, he started to cry a little and nuzzled his head further into my lap, just like he does when I tell him it is time to go to bed. 

Leo stood in the doorway with Granny while I climbed into my car and wound down the window, and as I shouted 'Bye baba!', Leo shouted 'Bye Baba' right back at me. Before he replaced that with 'Mama'. 

Leo really is coming on, and just yesterday I got a fab little video of Leo 'Quack Quaking' and saying 'Oh Sugar!' 

I just had to share!


  1. Hi

    when i got pregnant i started to read your blogg my sons now 10 months and i have finaly thanks to you started blogging i did try when i was pregnant but never followed through. Reading some of your posts has been really inspiering:)

    Thank you :)

    1. This is such a lovely comment and it really put a smile on my face! Thank you ever so much x

  2. Have you done a poo? always gets a no in our house too even when it is smelly and she has been straining and caught me watching her! ;) hehe x

    1. Exactly! And you know they are telling little fibs! x

  3. Katie haha thats funny.

    We have a "no" to very smelly poops in our house too! Noah is yet to say Yes...


    1. I don't think they will ever just admit it hehe x


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