Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Happy First Birthday Leo!

Dear bright eyed boy,

Today you turn One year's old. One whole year old...

I keep saying it over and over in my head, trying to make sense of how quickly the time has gone.

The reality of it all, is that it has all gone far too quickly...

When did it happen Leo? When did you decide to suddenly get so big and grow up?  I seem to have awoken this morning and found a toddler in my newborn baby boy's place.

A year seems to have come around so very fast, and I don't think I am ready to have a One year old just yet. Watching you grow day by day, month by month, has shown me just how much you can change and how quickly you learn new things in the blink of an eye.

It does not seem Five minutes since you turned our lives upside down, and arrived in your little blue bundle. You arrived with your 10 perfect fingers and your 10 perfect toes, all of you just perfect and complete. Your little button nose and your dazzling blue eyes added the finishing touches of beauty and charm to one cheeky baby boy.

You changed every ones lives in that one instance, in the most amazing topsy turvey way.

You changed us all for the better.

Now a year down the line, you have learnt many ways of the world but also have much more to learn. Your first year of life has taught you how to love, laugh and cry. You have learnt other lessons of course, I only have to look at you to know this. You can move all by yourself and a year ago today you were just a baby in my arms, struggling to keep your little sleepy eyes open after making your journey into the world.

On the day you were born Leo, I was supposed to be at work. Calling in sick was the only thing I could do, as you were not planning on waiting around and I don't think that would have gone down incredibly well in the office. You were adamant you were coming out and meeting Daddy and I on that very day. Nothing else would do, and the determination in you was apparent even then. God...I wonder where you get that from!?

You were born at 12:56 in the water, just as I had planned, my precious little water baby. This is my proudest moment, holding you taking in every single detail, knowing I had played a part in creating you. You were everything I thought and dreamt about for 9 months, wondering who this little person was, growing safely tucked away in my tummy. Every little kick you gave me was special, and I used to stay up late with my hand on my baby bump, just so I could feel your kicks.

Your arrival and every day after that have just made my dreams for your future even more magical. I see you going on to achieve so much and if your first year in life is anything to go by, you are going to take year Two by storm, and every year after that too!

I stand by your cot watching you sleep soundly, tucked up dreaming dreams that only you can dream, happy dreams...exciting dreams. Dreaming about the magic that the world holds for you and the next adventure that we will both take off on next. Day by day you are becoming more you, but you still need me to hold your hand and be your Mummy.

Now here we are, a whole 12 months into our journey together, I look at you and I can see it is you, the same little baby boy we brought home from hospital...But you are so grown up now, so different. You are no longer a little fragile baby and you don't need me in the same ways you used to, you want to go on grown up adventures and see the world wonders, you do not want to sit around as you would much rather be off exploring on your new found feet.

You are growing up, and I love watching every single second of your life adventure.

I am scared to blink, just in case I wake up tomorrow and you are turning Two! Please Leo, just slow down and stop growing up on me at such an incredible pace.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Today you will be spoilt rotten, there is an scrumptious Birthday Cake and presents galore. Today is all about you. So you best hurry up and wake up as I am sat here waiting for you to come down stairs and see how amazing everything looks!

Enjoy your big day beautiful boy, and we will make it one to remember.

Happy Birthday Leo!

We all love you to the Moon and back again.

Mummy & Daddy



  1. Happy birthday Leo. I hope you have a fantastic day. X

    1. Thank you! He has tired himself out so he is off for a nap :-) x

  2. Happy birthday Leo! x x x

  3. Thanks lovely! & thank you for his pressies! We shall be having a read later :-) xx

  4. Oh my goodness I am a sobbing wreck at your video- just gorgeous. Happy birthday Leo! x

    1. Thank you lovely, I have been working on this for weeks! I had to wait for the final week photos of my little man but it is complete! He has had an amazing day! xx

  5. What a really moving video! Just lovely. Happy 1st Birthday Leo :-) x

    1. Thank you! Leo has had an amazing day and it has been lovely all around xx

  6. Aw that video is beautiful hun and moved me to tears! Happy Birthday again to Leo :) xxx

    1. Thanks lovely. It has been a great day! I did find myself clock watching, waiting for 12:56 to come around. The official 1 year point for Leo! xx


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