Wednesday 31 July 2013

Home Improvement Hero

I recently heard that Money Supermarket were inviting a select few to take part in a home improvement challenge.


I was very excited to get involved and there was no question in my mind as to what needed doing in my house. In our lounge we have one big wall that is completely bare, there was absolutely nothing but a big wall of white.

In my honest opinion it needed a big splash of colour, maybe in the form of a nice big canvas.

I did some measuring up (if you count stretching out your arms to get an idea of size...) and started having a hunt through family photos. 

This was the hardest part, locating a photo of all 3 of us that could sit up on the wall and give the room a more vibrant atmosphere. After the right image had been selected I started hunting out a reasonably priced canvas company so that I could get the idea on order.

I settled on HelloCanvas and within a few days I had a very sizable canvas to get hung up on the wall. 

I went for the 36 x 56 size and I have to say that I am incredibly pleased with the finished result. It has brought a real personal feel to what was a big empty space just yearning for a big piece of family art to take away the boring, dull feel the room once had.

I think it is safe to say that this has been achieved.

I spent £89.00 on this canvas and I do think I got a real bargain.

Disclaimer: I was provided with £50.00 to take part in the #homeimprovementhero challenge. All views and opinions are my own.


  1. aw love it, great idea!!

  2. It's a lovely canvas! Completely fills that wall :) looks fab!

    Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

  3. Love it! The smile on Leo face would brighten up any room :) xx

  4. This is awesome canvas decorating! I love this color scheme so much.


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