Friday, 28 June 2013

How To Make a Timmy Sheep Cake

Leo discovered Timmy Time after his first birthday, and very quickly this became his all time favourite show. Every morning my toddler demands to watch 'Baa' and I have discovered that temper tantrums come around if for some reason I cannot fulfill this request.

With Leo's second birthday coming around I set to thinking about birthday themes, cake ideas and what would he like best? After baking up a few different recipes and different cake themes I came to a stand still. None of those cakes were THE cake for my little man's 2nd birthday. 

Then it hit me.

Timmy Sheep.

It was so obvious, how could I not have come to the idea sooner? 

I began searching all over the internet for a 'How to make a Timmy Sheep Cake' but could find nothing but marvelous creations baked up by other people, there was no dummy guide for how to give it a go yourself.

So I sat there pondering how on earth I was going to pull this off...

In my search to make Leo this cake I discovered a hidden gem, a local cake shop. In the cake shop was a lady who answered all of my questions and pointed me in the right direction, and it is thanks to her that I managed to bake up a Timmy Sheep Cake.

So how do you do it?

I picked out a Banana Cake Recipe from the Panasonic Ideas Kitchen but you can pick what ever cake recipe you like. The Timmy Cake is constructed out of a cake for Timmy's tummy and then the rest of the creation is moddelled out of Rice Krispie Treats. 

The head and arms are all Rice Krispies covered in Black Fondant Icing.

I cooked up the Banana Cake first so that it could be cooling while I created Timmy's body parts.

Banana Cake Recipe
1 banana, large
3 ml (½tsp) vanilla flavouring
75g (3oz) butter
100g (4oz)granulated sugar
150g (5oz) self-raising flour
3 ml (½ tsp) salt
1 ½ ml (¼tsp) bicarbonate of soda
2 eggs
Chocolate Chips

- Take the banana and peel it, put it in a bowl and mash it until smooth with the vanilla flavouring.

- In a separate bowl put in the butter and sugar, heat them up in the microwave until the butter has melted and you can mix it all together.

- Stir in the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda and then beat in the eggs and mashed banana.

- Spoon the cake mix into a prepared cake tin (I personally recomend the Silicone moulds).

- Cook on CONVECTION 160°C  until cooked.

60g Butter
200g Mini Marshmallows
150g Rice Krispies
1 tsp Vanilla Essence

Simply melt the butter in a pan on a low heat and begin adding in the Marshmallows until they have all melted. Keep stirring as you don't want the Marshmallows to burn. Once they have all melted take the pan off the heat and add in your Vanilla Essence and Rice Krispies, mix them all together and voila!

Wait for the mix to cool a little and get the work surface prepared to mould on. I used a chopping board to prevent mess, it is worth knowing that Rice Krispie treats are VERY sticky before you get started. 

I advise to take out big handfuls at a time and put them on the board you are planning on working on, I found it a lot easier to work with this way as it had chance to cool a little more and became easier to mould (although it still stuck to my hands). 

Once you have moulded all of your Timmy body parts, pop them in the fridge so that they can cool down and become more solid before icing them.

Icing your Timmy Sheep Creation

At this point your cake will look nothing like the famous sheep, you will have random Rice Krispie body parts and a cake...You really do have to use your imagination to in-vision your final master piece!

While your Timmy body parts are chilling in the fridge mix up a butter cream icing until it is nice and thick, then slather it all over your cake. The beauty about making a Timmy Cake is that you don't have to put the icing on neatly (luckily for me!) and the fluffier the better!

After all you are trying to create a wooly coat!

Put your iced cake to one side, and whip out the Timmy body part's out of the fridge. Put some cling film down on the work top and roll out your black icing. The cling film stops the icing sticking to the work top and means you need little icing sugar down, and keeps the black icing...Black.

Before I discovered the magic of cling film, I used far to much icing sugar and turned my black icing...Grey! Here is one I made earlier...

Begin wrapping the icing around your Rice Krispie Treat body parts and smooth it all out. For the face you will need some white fondant icing too in order to make the eyes. 

Make sure you have a good sized cake board so that you have plenty of room to put Timmy Sheep together, I used a 16inch one in the end.

The Timmy Cake has been a BIG hit for my toddlers second birthday and was completely worth staying up until 2:00am baking! Leo's entire day has been Timmy Sheep, so I know I picked the perfect theme for his special day.

If you give this cake a try and stumbled upon my blog on the hunt for a 'How to make a Timmy Sheep Cake', let me know! I would love to see your Timmy Cake! 

Timmy's hands come in very handy if you want to add some cake fountains to your creation. My rule of thumb is the more candles the better, and I really think our Timmy could have taken off he had that many!


  1. This is fab. I love the Rice Krispie idea. Glad Leo enjoyed it x

    1. Suffice to say.. I was pretty proud of myself! xx


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