Thursday, 27 March 2014

The New Pampers Baby-Dry

Having a toddler still in nappies we are pretty switched on when it comes to which nappies we are comfortable using. We have tried a few different brands over the years, but we have always stuck with one, and that is Pampers. We have only ever had one case of nappy rash that has caused Leo any dis-comfort, and that was during a case of illness. I am sure that using Pampers and changing Leo regulary has played it’s part in this, and that is precisely why we still use them today.

Last February I was lucky enough to go to the Pampers Factory in Frankfurt to see last years development on the Baby Dry range, it was here that I learnt all about the research and technology that goes into each of their nappy products. I couldn’t actually believe my eyes and was balled over with just how clever nappies really are, I know before I had seen the testing and everything else that is involved, I took being able to use disposable nappies for granted.

You can read all about my visit to the Pampers Factory here.

Pampers have been busy again and packing more into their Baby Dry range, and the nappies now boast unique Double Dry-Zones. This means that they absorb moisture and lock it away quicker than ever before. The Top Zone absorbs the liquid quickly in order to get it away from the babies skin, and the Inner Zone locks it away so that it can’t resurface and thus keeps your little one dry. But now there is the New Soft Dry Layer, this enables all over absorbency allowing liquid in all directions.

The other month we were sent a sample of the new nappies to try out with Leo, and as usual we have been nothing but impressed with our Pampers experience. Leo’s skin is clear and soft, and 9 times out of 10 we don’t get any bed time leaks come the morning. Of course Leo is a little guzzler and we have had a few occasions where he has even managed to over flow a Pampers Baby Dry, but for the most part this isn’t the case.

Pampers have even re-designed the graphics on these new nappies, and we now have Lion and Friends. These have been welcomed by Leo, and it may explain the constant roaring come time for a nappy change!

Disclaimer: We were sent a sample pack of Pampers Baby Dry for the purpose of this review. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.   

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