Each year since Leo was a baby, we have taken a trip to the
Cotswold Farm Park. I absolutely love seeing the difference that comes around
in the space of a year. Each year new doors open to Leo, new opportunities that
he was too small to understand or appreciate during the last time we visited.
This year Leo is 2 months shy of turning 3 years old, and
can be a real cheeky little guy. The whole ride there, Leo was so excited at
the prospect of giving the lambs a bottle, in fact it was all he would talk
about. Arriving early Leo had a lot of time to think about feeding is baby
sheep, or Timmy as he likes to refer to them as. When the lady came to open the
gate I was pretty sure Leo would have already scaled it and been deep within
the farm… But luckily we kept Leo on the right side of the fence until the
gates were opened up.
Being the Easter holidays we were among a big crowd of farm
goers, who had all seized the good weather to pay a visit to the Cotswold Farm
Park. I do much prefer to visit during term time when all of the older kids are
at school, you get to see so much more and have a much more hands on
experience. Going with Leo who has no concept of waiting in line, this suits us
and everyone else for that matter, much better.
You know those days where toddlers are nothing but trouble?
Our trip to the farm was one of those days! From entering the park to the time
we went home, Leo had a bee in his bonnet. I put this down to it being so
incredibly busy, Leo thought everybody who spoke, were directing conversation
towards him. In matter of fact those conversations were between other people’s
families… but of course Leo and this bee in his bonnet had lots to say. One man
said ‘Come on kids! Let’s go and feed the lambs!’ and the next thing I know..
Leo is piping up and saying ‘NO! I FEED THEM!’. This pretty much sums up how
Leo reacted to people generally that day… Moody little monkey!
Our first point of call was of course to the play areas, Leo
is at an age where he is just drawn to these places. You can’t possibly walk
past them… You have to bypass all of the animals and go for a play. Leo could
have quite happily spent his entire day just within the play areas if we had
given him half the chance. After prising Leo out of the first play area… He
discovered the electronic tractors. He was over the moon, he was still under
the advised height to play, but you trying explaining that to a toddler who
wants to drive a tractor! Keeping him off the tractors was quite simply not
going to happen. Before it got really busy this wasn’t such a problem, he could
make the tractors move by putting his foot on the accelerator, but steering was
his downfall. Leo bumped into walls and needed pulling out, he caused traffic
jams when other little children refused to go around him…It was wall to wall
mayhem for my little farmer.
Of course Leo thought it was hilarious that he was causing
such a palaver, the more traffic that came to a standstill the better. We very,
very quickly got Leo away from the tractors as
my toddler along with his road rage were just going to get us into
Leaving the play areas behind we ventured into my favourite
part of the farm park, the area where all of the baby animals are housed. They
have all sorts from lambs, kids and piglets, to baby chicks and rabbits. It is
a great hour to get really hands on with the animals, and also the area where
Leo’s wish to feed a lamb was to come true.
We grabbed a spot in line near the very front, and Leo was
having a great time patting the baby goat as we waited. He got so engrossed
with what he was doing, that he seemed to think that he was the only one who
was allowed to stroke the animals. I caught my mischievous 2 year old shooing
other little hands away from the goat. I had to explain to Leo that the animals
were there for everybody’s enjoyment and he had to be kind to the other people
who wished to get involved. Luckily the bottles were now being brought out, so
Leo was very soon feeding the sheep as he had been promised.
Leo’s mood didn't improve much even when we moved on into
the next part of the farm, the only smile that spurred across that beautiful
face of his was when he was climbing hay bales! Leo and his Aunty were watching
the milking session that was being put on when Leo decided to stumble and take
a little fall. Hearing Alice scream I ran over to see her pulling Leo back up,
he had fallen down one of the hay bales… But thought the whole experience was
fantastic. I on the other hand had my heart firmly in my throat…
Moving quickly away from the hay bales we thought it best to
make our way to the bouncy pillows, it was apparent that Leo had lots of energy
that needed to be let off. Along the way we came across the zip wire…. Of
course Leo wanted to have a go. I explained to my dare devil toddler that he
was too little to ride alone.. But Mummy would take him on. Because obviously..
That was the safer option. Right?
We took our place in the line, and we waited patiently. Leo
took this opportunity to growl at a man and his children who were talking about
how it was their turn next… Being a stickler for the rules Leo growled ‘NO! MY
TURN!!’ at them. I once again apologized for Leo’s waspy behavior and hoped
they would just ignore his bad tempered ladybird attitude!
So it was now our turn to ride the zip wire. I sat on the
seat and placed Leo on my lap, I got him to hold on and made sure he was safely
on. Then… I pushed off. We quickly began to pick up speed. We went faster… and
faster.. Until I thought ‘Oh dear! We are going to bump at the end!’. And with
that thought we went *BUMP*!
Our combined weight had hurtled us down the zip wire at a
speed no one else had picked up! Had I seen what was going to happen to us
before I considered taking Leo on… I probably would have thought twice! The
bump at the end of the zip wire swung us upwards, and we were pretty much
upside down by the time the swing had reached it’s peak. All I could think
about was falling off and taking Leo with me. It really was an ‘oh sugar
As luck would have it I managed to keep us both on the swing. We came to a stop and we both dropped to the floor, and do you know what the toddler said? He said 'MORE! AGAIN!' There was not an ounce of fear in his voice at all. Just pure excitement!
Obviously... I didn't really fancy going for a second ride!
The rest of our time at the farm was spent on the swings and of course the bouncy pillows, a toddlers introduction to Bounce Inc! After a whole lot of bouncing fun we decided it best to take my tired, grumpy two year old home. The general public had endured more than their fair share of Leo's attitude for one day!
Disclaimer: This is a featured post
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