Wednesday 16 September 2015

Decorating your childhood room

Life Unexpected

When I moved back to the parental home last year, it meant coming back to my childhood bedroom. A room with Pink walls, and when I say Pink. I mean hot Pink walls. I went backwards and forwards trying to make a decision on whether I should re-decorate or not, at then 25 I should have a room a little more grown up right? In the end I couldn't justify the cost, as after all I was only going to be here for a couple of months. 15 months later I still haven't gotten around to moving out again, but life has been anything but simple over those last 15 months, it has involved redundancy, change, loss of a job, they have seen Leo starting school. It has just been a busy old year, and moving out hasn't really been an option again right now.

Of course as I am now still at home, the decision of not decorating before I moved all of my worldly belongings back in is grating me. I wish I had taken the opportunity to give the room a complete over haul. The shocking pink paint job occurred when I was a mere 18 years of age, and to say that it is a little bit of an eyesore is an understatement in it's self. 

Still we live and we learn right?

Over the last couple of weeks I have been seriously thinking about giving the room a complete make over. I have been sourcing ideas from Homify, but I think the most I will be able to really get away with is a lick of fresh (Anything but pink) paint. In my head I think keeping it simple is the way to go, I have a gorgeous king size bed which is the main feature of the room, boasting a black leather headboard. Maybe even a feature wall with some darker boutique style wall paper behind the bed would make the room that extra little bit cosy. I would then be half tempted to just pick a creamy colour to cover up the glow of the pink paint. I am sure it would help me in actually feeling my age a little bit more, because as if being at home again isn't crazy enough, I actually times...feel 18.

Working from home

Maybe in the next few weeks, now I am actually working form my desk out of my bedroom (high five anyone!?) I may actually put these dreams into action. It would definitely make it a nicer place to spend a substantial amount of my time... 

In fact I may just pop into the store after I collect little man from school. I am suddenly feeling inspired and should probably action it before I change my mind again.

How are your days shaping up?

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