Thursday, 17 September 2015

The one where Leo goes full time at school

Leo has always marched to the beat of his own drum, there's a steady rhythm and his song plays loud for all to hear. It's not the typical chart music that gets over played and annoying, it's cosmic, bouncy and peaceful all at the same time, just like him. 

I knew that starting school was going to shake everything up, I knew it was going to be tiring for him. I knew that it was going to be hard, and throughout it all he has been so big and so brave. First days are always daunting and whether we care to admit it or not, they don't ever get any easier as the years roll by. 

We are into our second week now and Leo's steady drum continues to beat, he gets up each morning and I help him get ready for the day ahead. We have breakfast and slowly but surely we are getting there, getting ready to drive the short drive to school. As the days have gone by, Leo seems to have gotten more worried about going into school, he wants more cuddles, more kisses and he doesn't want me to leave. 50 hugs and kisses later he finally goes into his class room, sometimes there's tears, sometimes he's absolutely fine. He proclaims he's tired to the teacher as soon as we see her, and I know that tactic. That tactic is so that he can try and wiggle his way out of doing things, he tried this at nursery and for a long time really pulled the wool over everybody's eyes. Everybody except me of course. I know that little man of mine, and I know that he went to bed before 7pm the night before and slept like a log. 

I know that as soon as he get's through the door of his classroom and I am out of sight that he will be absolutely fine. 

I have been getting to school earlier so I can watch him play from the roadside, I can't help but be curious to what he get's up to when he is at school. When he is outside playing, witnessing how he plays with the other children, how he smiles, how he laughs. For the first week and a bit each time I arrived he was stood among the children, he looked a little lost and was holding onto the rope of the play castle that stands in the reception play ground. I edged closer, and finally walked into the playground to let him know I was there and it was time to come home. That's when he turned on his heels and walked away, back towards the play castle to hide. It was as though he was angry at me for leaving him, and I just wanted to scoop  him up and give him a cuddle.

That's how the first week went really. Leo was absolutely fine within minutes of me collecting him, and I worried that this may progress into something more. I watched as the other children were exstactic to see their parents, running towards them and throwing their arms around them, and there was Leo walking away from me as fast as he possibly could. Thankfully this week has been a turning point, and on Tuesday when I rolled up at 1pm to collect him, he saw me. Beamed a beautiful smile and shouted 'Mummy!!' and ran towards me for a mammoth of a cuddle. The first thing he told me was that school had given him Broccoli for lunch that day, and it was disgusting! 

Yesterday's collection was just as happy, and I picked up my happy boy from school to bring him back home again.

Today has been Leo's very first FULL day at school. I expect to pick up one very tired little man with a mood to match, but I am sure that underneath the sleepy eyes and busy day, he will still be marching to the beat of his own drum.


  1. I remember these days really clearly. Maxi went to school in a really well, but Mini not so much. Even though they are both really settles, I miss them like mad!

    1. It's so different for every child, but they are in the right place :D

  2. So sweet that he loves it already! That must be a big relief for you. My daughter hated it and I had a real nightmare with her at first, but my son was more than happy to wave me off every day. Maybe it's a boy thing! :)

    1. He loves it when he's there, but he doesn't like being dropped off hehe.. x

  3. Full time school already! Doesn't it go quick!

    1. Doesn't it just! Where does the time go!?

  4. Aww it sounds like it's going really well, those first few days are so nail-biting aren't they?

    1. It was a bit of nail biting and relief. He was getting to the point of the Summer holiday's where he needed to go back to school..and I needed him to!

  5. I hated it when my girls started school. I'm sure it scared me more than them. I remember them being so tired at the end of the day and having to have a pick me up snack in the car to give them an energy boost!

  6. Wilf starts lest year and I'm already a little anxious about it! Sounds like he is doing great though! x

    1. I think they get to a point where they are just ready for it! x

  7. Eliza has her first full day today and is so excited. Hope he wasn't too tired and grumpy after xx


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