Thursday 23 February 2012

Saving as a family

Today we have a Guest Post all about how to save money as a family. I am alway's looking for new and innovative ideas to do fun and exciting things with Leo, but trying not to break the bank at the same time... sometimes this is easier said than done.

Our Guest Poster is Danny Ambrose and in his article he has some great ideas on how to save money and still have fun as a family unit!

Saving as a family

1. Use a Price Comparison Website 
In an effort to save money, do what you can to check out price comparison websites. These sites exist to help consumers find the lowest price for something that they want. Whether they wish to 
find the best life insurance quote or the cheapest price for a DVD, a price comparison website can help them. If you take a few moments to look at one of these websites, you will save a lot of money in the long run. You can find the cheapest quotes without paying too much, among other things. 

2. Use Local Playgrounds, Parks and Nature Trails 
Although some people may not believe that walking through the woods or feeding the ducks is a fun activity, it should still be considered. A family of any size can find something that works for them; getting rid of stress at the end of a long day is always possible when a playground or park is involved. Children can learn more about nature and have a lot of room to run and play. Parents or other adults can sit and talk or simply take in the activity around them. This can be done for free or at a very low cost. 

3. Eat Most Meals At Home 
Although one meal enjoyed at a restaurant may not set a family on a tight budget back too much, if it is done often it could start to cause problems. If you want to save your funds for something else, consider eating your meals at home. You can make it fun by giving every day of the week a certain theme. For example, one day could be devoted to Mexican food, while another could focus on Chinese food. In the end, it is up to you. 

4. Make saving Money a Game 
Turn the idea of saving money into some kind of competition. If you have children, ask them to come up with creative ways to save money. The first child that comes up with a suitable and good idea can get some kind of prize, such as extra dessert. Create a chart and place it in a room with a lot of traffic. This chart will showcase how much money has been saved, and how much more can be saved. When you keep everybody happy and motivated, saving money can become less of a chore and more of an adventure. 

5. Look for Local Events 
If you are willing, make sure that you look at your local newspaper on a frequent basis. When you do this you will be able to find out about upcoming events. If there will be an ice sculpture festival or a cooking contest, you can learn about it before it is too late to take part. Many community events are free to attend or take part in; you can have fun and learn more about the area that you live in at the same time. You may also make new friends and discover new places of interest. 

I will most certainly be taking some of these ideas away and applying them to our day to day adventures. We have already today been out to feed the ducks...but then we also ate out for lunch....(Bad Mummy). I hope you can all find some of these tips useful.

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