Thursday, 23 February 2012

Shhh...Who Knows About You're Blog?

Since starting my Blog a year ago, I have joined Twitter and also created a Facebook account for 'The Life and Times of The Working Mum'. I never used to use Twitter...Believe it or not this Twitter addict never used to understand it! My oh my, that has all changed now! I actually very much enjoy Twitter and I have loved getting to know other Mummy Blogger's along the way.

On the Twitter front however, I do not have any personal acquaintances. These people I have come to know online and some of them have offered a great deal of support and advice. I don't however know anyone really, in the walks of day to day life.

Scratching your head? Wondering why? Keep reading...

I have always used Facebook. Until recently it was just my personal account, but the need to create a separate account for my Blog came about to have a separate space, away from any prying eyes. Yes there are some people I don't want to read my Blog.

Why? I think some things should just remain unknown. I wouldn't want friends and family to read as I feel this is MY hobby, my space and as much as I want to make my Blog a success....I really don't want to put it out there for general gossip.

I know that may sound silly, as I promote my Blog on Twitter and Facebook...but I am careful to not bring it all too close to home. That is just me though and they are my feelings.

I write about my personal opinions and there are some thing's that could maybe offend or maybe even shock them, and despite it being live on the web, I like to know that there is a little bit of control on my part. I know there is a small chance that they may by chance find it someday by inputting the right 'key words' into Google...But I will cross that bridge if and when it arises.

Until recently, I had not even told Luke about my Blog.....

I have been blogging for a year, and it was only on Valentines Day over a lovely meal with Luke, that I told him all about the Blog. To be honest I was not sure how he would re-act knowing that his face was the first thing my readers saw as they visited the site. Luke didn't seem too surprised and was actually quite impressed, especially when he realised that people actually read my ramblings!

As far as I am aware he has not had a proper look yet, he said he didn't actually want to read it as he felt it was personal to me and it would be as though he was reading my diary. I am more than happy for Luke to read my ramblings now he knows and think it may give him a little in-sight into what goes on while he is at work and out at the gym.

I think the biggest shock for Luke was that I - Laura....The little Blondie that I am... had managed to buy a domain name and actually link it to go directly here to 'The Life and Times of The Working Mum' - I am not going to lie...It took me all morning to do. But I did it!

I thought Luke may be angry that I had shared so much detail into our day to day life without consulting him first, that I had posted photos of Leo and even video footage. Luke just seemed to get why I was doing it, how my Blog gives me not only a time line of Leo's development but also how it has become a hobby of mine.

I like that even though I am currently not at work I have something to work towards, and watching my Blog grow from nothing has been amazing. I find the whole experiance of writing a Blog rather theraputic and maybe even like a cheap therapy session! So for me, that is why I don't want certain people to read.

I have to ask, as I am dying to know!

Who knows about your Blog? Friends? Family? Work Colleges?

If not, then why not?

Do you share my reasoning behind writing and keeping a Blog secret from all those people?

If you are open with everyone about your Blog, what were their reactions like when you told them?

Are they now faithful readers? Or do people know, but not have the the direct link to have a little read?

I would LOVE to hear all your stories about the In's and Out's about who knows and who doesn't.

Shhhh....Who Knows about you're Blog?????


  1. I have used my personal Facebook (which my OH is a friend on) to pimp my blog and she hasn't noticed!
    I did everything back to front, I was on Twitter and Facebook as plain old me before I started blogging. I really started though a couple of parent bloggers being #ff'd to me and getting inspired by them. I've always written though, and normally ironic rants. If I was posting serious stuff I'd have to start a new secret one!

    1. Thanks for the comment :-) I think your other half would be really impressed if she knew. Is this something you would share with her. I think I am going to have to come over to your Blog and have a read of your rants! I am very intrigued hehe...

      Thanks again! xx

  2. Interesting and yes for a while I tried to keep it a secret. In a way I still try to do it. But then my sister shares a link with my blog on Facebook. Some of my work colleagues know but they don't have a direct link...I would prefer my work colleagues not to check my blog as I'm afraid they will take it as a joke and make fun of it...same goes for family..part of my family anyway. My parents know that I have a blog but they don't speak enghlish so I'm fine with them. Sometimes I write things that are not very happy and that's when I'm scared...of judgement...:(

    1. Thank you! I think that is part of my reasoning behind it all. How did you feel when your sister shared the link on Facebook?

      You shouldn't be scared of judgement lovely, as long as you write your opinions and how you feel, you should be proud!

      Thanks so much for all your help i.e with the comments. The word verification is now gone! Yay! xxx

  3. My wife knows about my blog and my Twitter followers.

    I've not told my friends/ acquaintances about my blog because I choose to keep some things private from them. My blog, particularly the first few entries, was personal to my family and there are some things you don't want everyone to know about.

    Neil (@Living_with_LC)

    1. Thanks Neil.

      Was your wife suprised about the Blog? I really love to see Daddy Blogs. What made you start one?

      I would be knocked for 6 if my other half started one, but I think that it's such a lovely thing to do!

      I agree 100%, there are somethings that friends and family...shouldn't know :-) xx

  4. I'm glad i'm not the only one then cos i do the exact same. I've got a seperate twitter and facebook account and the only ones that know about my blog at the mo are my sister and partner. As much as i'd love to tell everyone, i think there's some things i'd like to keep private. Which is weird when you think we share so much with people we dont know that well.....maybe thats a benefit?! Love your blog by the way lovely :) xxx

  5. I am very open about my blog, but I'm very selective about what I choose to post. There are days where I know I could write a killer post about a family member or coworker or something that would just be airing a little too much dirty laundry. I have a separate Facebook for non IRL friends but so far only actual friends have "Liked" it. My Twitter is open to anyone but I don't get AS personal on it as I do on my private Facebook. My friends are supportive mostly - I know some don't read and that's upsetting - but that's their choice. Enjoying your blog and happy to have found it!

    1. I think it is great that you are comfortable enough to share your blog with friends and family. If I was brave enough I think I would...but for now I shall hide in my cyber closet! Have they all been supportive?
      It is their loss for not reading :-D
      Thanks lovely xxx

  6. Hi Vikki, Thank's so much for your comment, and the blog compliemts *blushes*.

    It has been a real eye opener knowing that I am not the only one that keeps the Blog on the low. Yeah that's exactly what I thought. We pretty much bare all online to people we form an online relationship with...but I think it is different to share it with friends and family?

    It has been great getting to know people in the same boat as me, from all walks of life and I have found you all so amazing :-)

    Thank you! xxx

  7. Ive only just stumbled across your blog via twitter and this is the first post ive read. Ive put my blog on my personal fb page and family and friends can read if they want. Ive nothing to hide and feel that i am entitled to my opinion and my choices in life, even if they dont like reading it. I do get your reasons for not sharing with family, but for me i am wanting to spread awareness about my sons syndrome and our daily struggles, and to be honest i hope my family and friends do read do that they too gain awareness and can maybe realise what i go through.

    Look forward to reading more of your posts.

    1. Evening, thanks very much for commenting and providing another opinion, it is appreciated.

      I think it is great that you are raising awareness, what better way to do it! It is really a great way to get all your feelings out in the open.

      Thank you x

  8. Only my OH knows about my blog but he doesn't really read it... well not that i know of!! Lol :D I post about it on Twitter but I don't really have any followers that are family, I have a few friends on there but they haven't mentioned anything to me.

    I might tell them when it's a little more advanced but until then its my little secret!!

    Nicola Xx

    1. Hey lovely! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Was your other half surprised that you had decided to start a blog? I wonder if your freinds have had a sneak peak! hehe...There is only one person I actually know on my followers list!

      It can be our little secret! xx

  9. The only person that probably knows about my blog is Mr.L. I do mention it now and again but more of a slip of tongue. I guess I have a few reasons keeping it a secret. 1st cause I probably write a bunch of crap LOL!! But its mostly a place for me to just release all my thoughts and feelings, a place to escape and tell the things I wouldn't tell the people that are closest to me or I love. A few months ago I was diagnosed with post natal depression so in away helps me to release. xx

  10. I think you got it in one earlier lovely, It is a really good way to vent! Let all your feelings out and then also have it to reflect on later.

    It is a real eye opener to know that lots of Mummy bloggers keep their blogs quiet.


  11. I used to keep my secret, but now everyone knows and to be honest I don't know why I kept it a secret as it's not like I'm telling anyone anything that they couldn't see on FB or Twitter anyway!

  12. Thanks Pippa.
    What kind of response did you get when you went open?

  13. Glad to know that I'm not the only blogger in the closet. My OH doesn't know (even though one of my kids kinda does!). The only people that know are 3 friends and one of them I inspired to blog herself. I have seperate twitter and FB accounts and a seperate email address for the blog!

    1. Nope you are not the Blogger hiding away in the closet! I am amazed at how many of us actually do keep them on the low. It is kind of re-assuring.
      Thanks for the comment x

  14. Everyone knows about my blog, sometimes i think it's be nice to post annon because you could rant abit more with no come back, but on the whole it doesn't matter to me :)

    1. Hi Sarah, It must be so lovely that everyone knows. I don't think I am quite ready to share yet...I think it would put me off writing quite so openly. Thanks for commenting xx

  15. Hi, here I am at last! As promised...

    My blog was secret to start with. A couple of people knew I was writing one but I didn't share any details with them and they didn't ask. BabyDaddy knew about it and where it was but didn't want to invade my privacy. I did pass him my phone after I'd written the One Born post about him (and he shed a little tear) but he's never asked to see anything else, and I really appreciate that.

    I have a twitter account for my blog and one for me, but at some point I'd added a couple of Mum-types on my own account and shared my blog with one of them. My brother saw the link and later sent me a tweet telling me how good he thought my writing was and that I should do more of it. I was really pleased and didn't mind that he'd read it (I also didn't think he'd read it that regularly so I didn't feel as though it would be a problem).

    Then, somehow, a few other people told me they'd read it - probably also through that Twitter slip - and eventually I shared a link on my personal Facebook as I needed some help with something. I regret that now as I miss the anonymity. I know there are people who read it who I would really like to talk about sometimes, but at least it reminds me to be careful what I say.

    It does feel strange knowing that my family read it and sometimes I worry that they'll judge the things I decide for Ted, or that the topics I write about are silly, or that because I have strong opinions I might offend them, but then I tell myself that they're the same as any of my other readers - they can choose to close the page if they don't like it!

  16. Hi, here I am at last! As promised...

    My blog was secret to start with. A couple of people knew I was writing one but I didn't share any details with them and they didn't ask. BabyDaddy knew about it and where it was but didn't want to invade my privacy. I did pass him my phone after I'd written the One Born post about him (and he shed a little tear) but he's never asked to see anything else, and I really appreciate that.

    I have a twitter account for my blog and one for me, but at some point I'd added a couple of Mum-types on my own account and shared my blog with one of them. My brother saw the link and later sent me a tweet telling me how good he thought my writing was and that I should do more of it. I was really pleased and didn't mind that he'd read it (I also didn't think he'd read it that regularly so I didn't feel as though it would be a problem).

    Then, somehow, a few other people told me they'd read it - probably also through that Twitter slip - and eventually I shared a link on my personal Facebook as I needed some help with something. I regret that now as I miss the anonymity. I know there are people who read it who I would really like to talk about sometimes, but at least it reminds me to be careful what I say.

    It does feel strange knowing that my family read it and sometimes I worry that they'll judge the things I decide for Ted, or that the topics I write about are silly, or that because I have strong opinions I might offend them, but then I tell myself that they're the same as any of my other readers - they can choose to close the page if they don't like it!

    1. Thank you so much for posting :-) I hope you and Ted are both well!

      Maybe the leak was a good thing? I can see both sides of the coin really. As I think it would be nice to share the link but at the same time I do like the freedom of not having friends and family reading. Maybe one day!

      Like you said they can just close the page down! At the end of the day lovely, your blog is your own personal space. If they wish to step into that space then they have to accept your opinions. Especially in regards to Ted. Mummy knows best!


  17. I have just started blogging and was debating about the same thing. Should I share with my friends and family or not. So far I haven't as it might change my writing style. My husband knows but doesn't really have the time to read my blog so I think this suits me fine for now.

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