Monday, 6 January 2014

Christmas 2013

Awaking on Christmas day slightly later than usual was a great way to start the day. Especially as I was still suffering from what I can only describe as the flu. Aches and pains, a sore throat and headaches were plaguing me, and I lost all hope of being 100% healthy when my voice decided it still didn’t want to come out and play. Symptoms aside I had been really excited about Christmas, especially now Leo was older and could really take part.

We spent Christmas with my family, and Leo was tucked up in bed and soundly asleep by 8pm. All ready to get a good night’s sleep and be ready for all of the fun and games of Christmas Day…

This year was the very first year that Leo was at an age to really get involved, it was the very first year that he opened presents himself with excirement and curiosity. Upon entering the living room to see the mountain of presents that Santa had left for the entire family, Leo’s eyes widened and he was soon traipsing through the gifts, stowing away with the ones that took his fancy. Even if they weren’t actually for him. 

We sat together and opened his stocking first, but waited for everyone to come in and join us so that we could all marvel in Leo’s reaction. Santa could have left lumps of cole I that stocking, Leo was so pleased by the Buzz Lightyear and Disney’s Car’s wrapping paper that it wouldn’t have mattered what had been inside of it.

Leo was handed his presents by his Auntie Alice, and he slowly but surely tore off the paper hiding away his gift. One of the very first things Leo opened was his new Buzz Lightyear doll, and as soon as he laid eyes on Buzz… Leo was no longer interested in opening presents. Buzz was the only toy he had eyes for.

The opening of presents took most of the day (and then some), but that was really nice as it actually gave Leo chance to play with the new toys that he had already received.

Having the whole family at home was a really great way to spend Christmas, the kids played, the adults watched and prepared for a tasty Turkey dinner. Somewhere amongst it all Leo discovered a very special gift, a gift from Mumma and Dadda….

Leo’s very own Lightning McQueen Electric Car. Suffice to say that when Leo pulled back the paper and realised exactly what was underneath, it was like all of my Christmas’s had come at once. His eyes lit up and his smile grew, and before I knew it Leo was sat in the seat and ready to give it a test run.

Granddad soon voiced his dis-pleasure at the apparent skid marks Leo may have left in the carpet, so both Leo and the car were soon zooming around outside…

After lot’s of driving, zooming and toddler fun, Leo was desperate for a nap. As soon as those tired eyes closed, Leo was asleep right up until Christmas Dinner was being served. I had to gently bring him around as I didn’t want him to miss the fun of eating with everyone, and pulling crackers!

This year really was the start of the magic for Leo, the understanding that Santa brings presents and that Christmas is a time full of wonder and excitement really shone through. As usual though the day went by far too quickly, but although next Christmas is still a year away, I hold special memories of our special day, and I look forward to building on the magic that Leo has already witnessed.

Next year Leo will be 3 and a half years old, and the magic will ring louder than it ever has before. And if this year is anything to go by, it is going to be very special.


  1. Looks like Leo had an amazing Christmas x

  2. Wow, it looks and sounds like you all had a lovely Christmas. What a lucky boy Leo was. It's just fantastic how Christmas seems to get more magical as they get older and understand it so much more. x

    1. Christmas is just getting more magical with each year that goes by. It will be next Christmas that he really gets everything though xx


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