Monday, 13 January 2014

The Big Boy Bed Verdict

When we decided to take down the side on your cot,
we weren’t for one second sure whether you would be
happy with this change or not.

You were so excited as soon as the side came down.
You bounced happily on your now open, big boy bed.
You went down to bed almost as easily as you always do..
Despite being pleased that you could get out on your own if you wanted to.

That first night you slept really well,
there was no accidental falling out,
and there was no deliberate getting out either.
You stayed in bed and slept soundly until the moon relinquished
his place in the sky, and night became day.

I awoke to a bang and thought that maybe you
had tumbled out of bed.
I looked at the video monitor and you were gone.
You were on your way into my room to give me a big smile,
and a good morning kiss.
You were so pleased, and so far 2 nights in…
You are loving being in a big boy bed.

We waved ‘bye bye’ to the side of the cot and you accepted that you now had a bed instead.

Another milestone you reached in your own time, 
and I guess the next thing will be potty training.

But we will get there… When we get there.


  1. Aww! How adorable!!
    That's one of the best things about big beds....The little ones can get up in the morning and come in for morning snuggles....hehehe Sounds like he's doing really well x

    1. Exactly! It is nice that he is getting some more independence x

  2. Bless him sounds like he is doing really well! x


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