Monday, 6 January 2014

Thorntons Snowman & The Snowdog Christmas Selection

On the Christmas Eve of 2012 I was snuggled up on the sofa with Leo, we were sat watching the premier of The Snowman and The Snowdog. It was the very first year that this new adaption had ever been shown, and it took us all by surprise in the sense that we all loved it.

This year I was really glad to welcome it back to the television screen on Christmas Eve, and although this year I couldn’t keep my toddler still enough to watch it, we still had it on in the background as Leo played energetically, dancing around the room.

This year Thorntons released some very sweet festive additions to their lines, in the form of some very much loved characters. The Snowman and his canine friend… The Snowdog.

We tried a selection of the Thorntons range and I was instantly impressed with the selection available. In the selection that we personally tried there was enough to cater for many different tastes, the majority of it was White Chocolate, but the selection box had a mixture.

I personally am not a massive White Chocolate fan, but luckily I had a helping hand in the form of Granny and my younger sister. So between them they shared the Snowman and Snowdog chocolates. They were a nice size and the detail that has gone into the modelled chocolates is just lovely. We all agreed that they would make a great Christmas gift for someone.

If budget is something you think about, like me at this time of year, you will be pleased to know that Thorntons have taken this into account. We all want to give the gift of luxury but we don’t want to have to move heaven and earth on each occasion… Christmas can be enough work in itself. Prices start from as little as £0.89p for some of the smaller chocolates such as the White Chocolate Lolly and the Mini Snowman and Snowdog. They range up to £30.00 for a very festive Christmas Hamper which includes a great selection of the Snowman selections.

Judging by how quiet everyone went when I handed out some of the goodies (until Leo decided to steal some of the Snowdog off his Auntie…) I would say that they were thoroughly enjoyed. The detail is lovely, and of course the chocolate is as always very tasty. 

In Association with Thorntons

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