Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The Planet Cards review

Earlier this month, Leo's Daddy and I booked a very special date in our calenders. This special date is Leo's Christening.

I have been on the look out for the perfect invitations. I wanted something unique and beautiful, something to fit the importance of what they represent.

That is when I discovered Planet Cards and their extensive collection of everything card related! From welcoming a new baby into the world, Birthday Cards, Christmas Cards...And you guessed it! Christening Invitations.

From first visiting their website you will see just how easy it is to navigate to where you want to go. Everything is clearly listed and presented to you, the problem you will have is deciding on which invitation template you want for your occasion! There is a brilliant choice and they all look outstanding.... So how do you decide?

I spent a very long time studying each individual invitation and even uploaded the photos I wished to use to have a play with, and see how they looked. This is the great thing, you can personalise your cards and invitations to make them truly unique. I was so impressed with the quality of the templates and what you can do. The best bit for me was knowing that no-one in my friend circle would have used or would be planning on using these invitations for their little one's Christening.

Once you've made that all important decision and you know exactly what you want. You can make the invite your own by clicking on the 'personalise this card' button. this will then take you to another screen where you can edit the template as you please.

We finally decided to go for the Elegant Writing template and I started to change over the standard photos with my own, I was instantly impressed. I had only made the first few changes and it already looked great. You can even get down into the smallest of details, if you wish to change the font size or line spacing...This is all possible, and very easy to do.

When your invite is complete, click on 'confirm and order'. You'll be able to double check your design before paying for your order.  It is then time to choose how many cards you want and whether you want a gloss coating for your cards. It is a really nice finishing touch but I felt I did not need this to make my card's any better. Planet Cards provide a nice little touch here that makes a big difference. The envelopes are free of charge.

I am sure you are just wanting to see how my Christening Invitations turned out, and in all honesty I am very excited about showing you. So without further adieu, here is our little creation.

I am sure you will agree that they look fantastic. Would you be pleased at the prospect of recieiving one of these beauty's?

Upon recieving my beautiful invitations, I was over the moon. They look fantastic and you can certainly feel the quality in them. Now I am just in the process of  eagerly writing them out to all of our friends and family, as I cannot wait to hand them out.

The lovely people over at Planet Cards have provided a discount code for my lovely readers. This discount code will give you 20% off your order and applies to everything, there is no minimum order. The magic code to enter upon checkout is GUK13.

So if you have any special occasions coming up, Leo and I give Planet Cards a BIG thumbs up.


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