Friday, 27 April 2012

Brit Mums Live 2012

Being a relatively new Mummy blogger, there are many things I do not know and I do not proclaim to have all the knowledge about. More often than not I find out about things after they have happened and sometimes I just don't have the resources to attend. On this occasion though, I am more than aware of the up and coming Brit Mums Live! event and there have been moments in time, that I have found myself sitting there and day dreaming at the thought of attending.

For those of you who do not know what Brit Mums Live is...Brit Mums Live! is the biggest blogging event of the year and is devoted entirely to a parenting audience and run by the UK’s largest parent blogging network of more than 3k influential and engaged bloggers.

On Friday June 22 and Saturday June 23 2012 hundreds of delegates will descend in their masses to London in order to share best practises, network, and polish up their blogging skills in workshops tailored to novice and expert levels.

BritMums Live! is a two-day blogger event that has grown out of BritMums, the UK's largest parent blogger community, made up of more than 3,000 influential bloggers. The thoughts of attending soon got me wondering how this could become more than a dream.... Of course being on maternity leave this does not leave much spare cash for such luxuries in life.

I have scratched my head, I have umm'd and arhhh'd and I still could not see a way of making this dream a reality. I have heard that some very privileged bloggers occasionally get sponsored to go to such events and suddenly I had the most amazing idea. It is one of those ideas that shoots like lightening and suddenly you wonder why you did not think of it before.

Back in October when I first engaged with Twitter, I came across the most amazing new business. You will all know exactly who I am talking about in a moment, as I have always been very smitten with all that she does, and happily shared my discovery with you right here. I am talking about the lovely Kat, who has brought us her fabulous boy tights through her successful company Slugs & Snails.

Right from day One I fell head over heels for those amazing tights, and it was not long before I had ordered a few pairs to model on Leo. To this day we wear them more than anything else and are always being complimented on the great designs and bright colours. I always beam when I hear this and point them in Kat's direction.

So you are probably wondering what this has to do with my struck by lightening idea? Well... Once I had recovered from the initial bolt, I sent Kat an email.

The outcome of our email exchange is so positive and I am so pleased to announce that Kat and I have joined forces, as Two working Mummy's uniting together. The Life and Times of The Working Mum is now proud to present you with Slugs & Snails, our amazing sponsor.

I can not think of anyone I would rather work with and I hope that this new bridge we have crossed, will draw in lots of new Mummy's with beautiful baby boys to discover the wonder that is boy's tights.

Over the coming months, I will be inviting Kat to guest post and share with you all, her journey in founding Slugs & Snails and everything in between.

I would also like to take this moment to congratulate Kat on all her hard work. Kat's efforts have been recognised by many people, customers and supporters alike, who have even gone on to vote for Slugs & Snails in the Mums Club Business awards!

Slugs & Snails are currently in the running for “Mumpreneur of the Year” and “Award for Innovation” with The Baby Hub Family First Awards. I am asking you to take a moment to place your vote with them and help them take it all the way to the finish line!

You can place your vote right here and it only takes a few moments.

I would like to say a BIG thank you to Kat for making my Brit Mums Live! dream come true. I will now be attending this exciting conference and meeting many other bloggers and polishing up my blogging skills. So keep your eyes peeled for many excited and nervous posts as this date creeps closer, where I am sure I will feel nervous, anxious and completely over the moon.

Now....What shall I wear to this big event? A big pair of Slugs & Snails with heels would be absolutely perfect, don't you think!?


  1. Well done on getting a sponsorship hun- that is amazing news. Can't wait to meet you. x

    1. Thank you :-) It really is amazing. I am looking forward to meeting you! xx


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