Monday, 29 October 2012

Meeting Myself, Coming Back

With the clocks going back you find everyone is talking about that extra hour you get in bed. You know… That extra hour we ALL get when the clocks go back!?

I can safely say that I feel cheated.

I most definitely did not get this extra hour in bed, that extra hour to keep my eyes firmly closed. In fact…Leo decided he was going to get up at 5:40am this morning!

Okay so if this was 2 days ago that would be just 6:40am…Only half an hour before my alarm was due to go off for work. Not pleasant but a lot more sociable than today’s alternative.

In all fairness I think Leo was perhaps woken up by his inconsiderate Granddad getting up to go to work, banging around the house, turning on every light imaginable, thumping here and banging there. (One thing I won’t have to worry about as of next week!)

I thought a quick bottle of milk would solve everything, but Leo rejected his milk and snuggles in bed with Mummy, deciding that it was time to get up for the day, much to my horror! I finally managed to coax him back to sleep at 6:30 – 50 minutes after he had first awoken.

So I am now very sleepy and embracing a quiet day in the office. Really struggling to keep my zombie eyes open.

Did anyone else NOT get the extra hour in bed as everyone promised?


  1. Not only did I not get my extra hour I seem to have lost 3.
    Just as Harry gave up feeding for the night (finally) Emmy woke up :( no sleep for me last night.

    1. Ah no :-( Hate those kind of nights where it is just one thing after another! Think I may hop into bed now just to close my eyes before everything happens again! x

  2. I can sympathise as Riley woke up at the same time as normal, allbeit an hour earlier in theory but i was fortunate Keith was home at the weekend so he got up to sort monkey out and let me have a lie in! If only kids could understand about the clock's changing eh?! xxx

    1. Aw bless Riley. How is he feeling now? Hope he is on the mend. I am going to bed now just in case a bad night is on the cards! xx

  3. Hi I am a new follower

    check out my blog and competition

    bless I suppose I will have all this to come at some point.


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