Friday, 26 October 2012

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Review

Everything and everyone has to come from somewhere, evolve… Well have you ever wondered where Vampires come from? Who the original Vampires were? Well in season 3 of The Vampire Diaries all of these questions will be answered.

Season 3 consists of 22 episodes spread out over 4 disks, and the storyline focuses on Klaus (who we were first introduced to back in season 2) one of the original Vampires and his relationship with the original family.

Which we soon come to realise is a little dysfunctional!

We pick up with Elena at her 18 birthday where we see that Stephan is still fighting his humanity and is not really in the mood to help celebrate. In fact at this moment in time Stephan is still blindly trying to push Elena away, but Stephan’s negative advances actually end up pushing her into Damon’s open arms.

As the season progresses we see Damon and Elena grow ever closer, but it is always apparent that Elena still carries an ever glowing torch for Stephan. When it comes down to it though there is a decision to be made, which brother will she pick when the consequences mean that she will loose the other brother…

Back in Season 2 we were introduced to the Hybrids (Half Werewolf, half Vampire) and Klaus’s mission to turn more werewolves into his own unique species. Klaus continues to spread his darkness all over Mystic Falls in his attempt to raise an army of Hybrids that can preserve his existence for all of eternity, but when his Mother returns from the dead with a mission to lay all of her children (the original family) to rest, things take a turn for Klaus, and not for the better!

You see Klaus’s Mother Esther was a powerful witch back in the day, (dating back 1000 years!) and actually turned her children into Vampires in order to keep them safe. Esther dabbled in the dark magic as they were living in the same town as the original Werewolf family. Esther wanted her children to have the speed and strength to get away from the Werewolves after her son was mauled one full moon.

The thirst for blood…Well that was just an unfortunate side effect.

Season 3 was a very busy season with many bumps in the road, but the season finale was spot on and also offered one last shock before the closing titles swept over the screen.

Elena Gilbert is in transition, and with season 4 she will be a full fledged vampire.

I am now on the edge of my seat and going to have to watch season 4 very soon!

You can purchase The Vampire Diaries Season 3 for £19.49 At Amazon.

Disclaimer: I was sent The Vampire Diaries Season 3 for the purpose of this review however all views and opinions are completely honest and my own.

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